Ok, well this was just so funny I thought I should share it with all... umm all 10 of my friends in here....
Ok, here's the whole unedited* conversation... he made my night funny... I never knew how amusing morons could be...
This is somewhat disturbing... but... really funny...
*ok, I edited it to fix the link thingy so you can see his website... it's funny too, apparently george w. bush fought in WWII and was in the air force (which is really funny considering george w. bush was born a year after WWII ended... oh, and he was only in the national guard.... and he dropped out of that). Me and my friend think this guy must have been really slippery when he was born and then dropped on his head... probably multiple times...
Session Start (unamericanpunk:realamericansforbush): Fri Nov 07 23:00:36 2003
realamericansforbush: you are the scum of the earth
realamericansforbush: you should be fighting for the White Race
unamericanpunk: hahahah
unamericanpunk: hahaha
realamericansforbush: why do you say unamerican?
unamericanpunk: oh shit, you're serious.... hahah....
realamericansforbush: I am for America
realamericansforbush: I am a volunteer for Mister George Bush
unamericanpunk: You're an idiot... hahah
realamericansforbush: and do not know why there is an anti list of him
http://www.geocities.com/realamericansforbush/realamericansforbush: that world wide web page will change your mind son
unamericanpunk: I'm sorry, I'm not that stupid
realamericansforbush: no you do not know the Facts is all
unamericanpunk: what facts justify your belief that you're superior to someone else because the color of your skin? or because of the family you were born into?
realamericansforbush: because we found this country and also there are books that say we have superor brain power
realamericansforbush: and they kill themselves like animals
realamericansforbush: and do drugs
realamericansforbush: and stuff
unamericanpunk: news flash: we didn't find this country... it was never lost actually. Also, we stole it from the American Indians. As for them killing themselves... people have been killing eachother for ages. Oh and drugs, I know more white people that do drugs than anyone else... Superior brain power you say? Did that skip you? What book was this? Who wrote it? Was it a legitimate psychological test? mmmso, next reason?
realamericansforbush: um the indians aren't people
realamericansforbush: you are kidding I hope
realamericansforbush: I didn't read the book cuz I knew what was in it already
unamericanpunk: oh they're not? damn... well I've met some and they seemed pretty human to me... you know, flesh and blood, all that good stuff
realamericansforbush: ha
unamericanpunk: ohh.... yeah... you learn through osmosis?
realamericansforbush: I would never talk to one!
unamericanpunk: too bad, you might learn something
realamericansforbush: like how to smoke the pipe and scalp people I bet
realamericansforbush: or rape White women.
realamericansforbush: :O
unamericanpunk: hahahaha
unamericanpunk: wow, are you stuck in the 1800's?
realamericansforbush: no I am proud to be in the year 2003 when George Bush is the president
unamericanpunk: when was the last time American Indians scalped people? or raped white women?
unamericanpunk: well... you sure live like it's the 1800's
realamericansforbush: they do that all the time they can't help it
realamericansforbush: because of being savage
realamericansforbush: that is why we had to kill them all
unamericanpunk: actually I was talking with an American Indian last night, he didn't seem savage at all... well, aside from the fact that he use to work for our country's defense indusry...
realamericansforbush: I doubt it
unamericanpunk: actually, we "had" to kill them all to take their land... that's good 'ol greed for ya. Worse than any person of color, worse than any religion... greed
realamericansforbush: they do not allow the lower species to be in the goverment
unamericanpunk: you doubt what?
realamericansforbush: only the white man can
unamericanpunk: wow, your ignorance is making me laugh
realamericansforbush: I just have knowlege of these things
unamericanpunk: haven't you looked at your beloved bush's cabnet?
realamericansforbush: they are just for show
unamericanpunk: knowlege of... what things?
realamericansforbush: he does not listen to them
realamericansforbush: except that one guy
unamericanpunk: I know... because sadly they're smarter than old george w
unamericanpunk: oh, so there is an exception now?
realamericansforbush: he is a White man
realamericansforbush: I forget his name
unamericanpunk: colin powell?
realamericansforbush: no he is a nigger!!
realamericansforbush: George BUsh hates him!
unamericanpunk: hahah, oh yeah...
realamericansforbush: just like the whore
unamericanpunk: george's wife?
realamericansforbush: :O
realamericansforbush: I mean condawalooza or whoever
unamericanpunk: hahah
unamericanpunk: man, seriously... you need help... it's so bad it's funny...
realamericansforbush: no I am doing my duty
realamericansforbush: they will not let me be in the army no more
unamericanpunk: what duty is that?
realamericansforbush: getting George Bush to stay in office
unamericanpunk: ... I wonder why
realamericansforbush: I guess I am oldish
unamericanpunk: umm... and racist
realamericansforbush: no I am just Proud
unamericanpunk: are you rich?
unamericanpunk: what's your opinion on greed?
realamericansforbush: no not really
realamericansforbush: I am humble like Christians should be
unamericanpunk: except you're not...
realamericansforbush: greed is for the Jew
unamericanpunk: I have Jewish friends... they're as broke as I am...
realamericansforbush: no they horde there money
realamericansforbush: and steal
realamericansforbush: and hide there real wealth
unamericanpunk: oh... they do? Wow, so is george bush jewish too then? He steals! Ohhh, look at Enron!!!
realamericansforbush: no that was not stealing
realamericansforbush: he stopped them
realamericansforbush: it was the Jew leberman
unamericanpunk: wow... you are so very uninformed
unamericanpunk: where do you get your news?
unamericanpunk: I think even Fox news is to the left of you... damn
realamericansforbush: I always listen to the EIB roadio network
unamericanpunk: oh... great, conservative radio... yeah, that's a good place to get the wrong opinion
realamericansforbush: no Rush is always Right
unamericanpunk: so... you know... if you hate all these non-white people why don't you boycott everything they've made?
unamericanpunk: Yeah, rush is off to the far right.... but he's totally wrong
realamericansforbush: I do not do things with the non white race
unamericanpunk: too bad, you're missing out
realamericansforbush: the lesser races have an odor
realamericansforbush: especially the Chineese
unamericanpunk: humm... yeah, well when they don't shower they smell as bad as any white person.... my boss is Tiawanese... she smells fine to me...
realamericansforbush: they have a farty smell to me
realamericansforbush: I have to hold my nose when the chineese walk by
unamericanpunk: well I've never noticed this smell.... I believe this is probably a psychological problem with yourself...
realamericansforbush: I killed 18 in the war
unamericanpunk: and your point? Ohhh... so now you're a big bad killer... did you know the war is over?
realamericansforbush: it's ok
realamericansforbush: the new war will begin on our soil
realamericansforbush: if Bush remians in office only
realamericansforbush: so vote for Bush and we will get our land back!
unamericanpunk: Yeah, great, just what we need, more war...
unamericanpunk: I'd rather not
realamericansforbush: we can expel the mexican from our soil
unamericanpunk: why would we want to do that?
realamericansforbush: instead of having that vizamentay fox guy come here and tell us to give them money and take more illegals
realamericansforbush: I don't want them here. They just smoke drugs all the time and make jokes
unamericanpunk: making jokes is a bad thing?
realamericansforbush: I saw a film about them
realamericansforbush: they are lazy!
unamericanpunk: hahaha
unamericanpunk: I've known many many hard working mexicans... people that would go out and do hard labor for minimum wage...
realamericansforbush: it was called Up in Smoke
realamericansforbush: about how the mexicans are burning down our country
unamericanpunk: hahah, cheech and chong, that movie was funny
realamericansforbush: I got scared after seeing them
realamericansforbush: they seem like women rapers
unamericanpunk: yup... oh wait, except statisticly white males are most likely to rape women and commit other deviant sex acts...
realamericansforbush: no we don't
realamericansforbush: except to them
unamericanpunk: we don't? where'd you hear this from? Except to who?
realamericansforbush: the non white women
realamericansforbush: then it's not as bad
unamericanpunk: it isn't? how so?
realamericansforbush: because they aren't white
realamericansforbush: the only Whites who are rapists are the Papist child molesters
unamericanpunk: wait, so you still never explained why whites are "superior" to any other race
realamericansforbush: we are the original race and the others are corrupted
realamericansforbush: they mated with gorillas, that is how they made the african bushman
unamericanpunk: we are? well shit... if I remember back to early world history class, civilization originated in iraq... so... white people are first now? Where did white people come from?
realamericansforbush: no that is lies from the liberal liars
unamericanpunk: oh... gorilla sex.... yeah, well... if you don't know much about biology, it's pretty much impossible to mate with another species sucessfully
realamericansforbush: civilzation came from Sweden
realamericansforbush: we can not do it
realamericansforbush: but the niggers can mate with other monkeys
unamericanpunk: oh greah, so the sweeds are our ancestors... well, shit, why don't we all go work for ikea
realamericansforbush: that is how they got aids
unamericanpunk: man, you're so uninformed it's funny
realamericansforbush: I read it
realamericansforbush: in a pamflet
unamericanpunk: did you graduate from high school?
realamericansforbush: did you?
unamericanpunk: ok, I could say the earth was flat in a pamflet, does that mean it's right?
unamericanpunk: I graduated from college actually... with honors...
realamericansforbush: the white man proved it was round
realamericansforbush: ok me too
realamericansforbush: I have a doctor's degree
unamericanpunk: yeah, we proved it was round after we told ourselves it was flat for so long
unamericanpunk: ooh, a doctorate in what?
realamericansforbush: medicine
unamericanpunk: from what college?
realamericansforbush: Georgia
unamericanpunk: the whole state taught you?
realamericansforbush: no the Bulldogs
unamericanpunk: you were taught by bulldogs.... alright
realamericansforbush: the Georgia Bulldogs!
realamericansforbush: UGA
unamericanpunk: really.... so.... why are you a plumber? Ehh, I guess it's just like open heart surgery...
realamericansforbush: it is honest work
realamericansforbush: only jews are doctors
unamericanpunk: oh... so then only Jews save lives?
realamericansforbush: no they just like the Money
unamericanpunk: what about doctors in Canada?
unamericanpunk: oh... so money is bad now?
realamericansforbush: I don't know about that place. I hear it is communist
unamericanpunk: hahah
realamericansforbush: they are just greedy that is all
realamericansforbush: we are honest folk
unamericanpunk: yeah... good 'ol red Canada
realamericansforbush: they tried to stop the War
unamericanpunk: Yeah, they threatened to... throw snowballs at us
realamericansforbush: but America is great we don't need a little tiny country like that
realamericansforbush: they are french anyway
unamericanpunk: so Canadians are French too?
realamericansforbush: yeah I hate them
unamericanpunk: Have you ever traced your heratige?
realamericansforbush: I am 100 percent German
realamericansforbush: I hope
unamericanpunk: oh... German now? But you're not pure! You're not Sweedish!!!
realamericansforbush: it is the same place
realamericansforbush: in ancient times of the first human beings it was the same place
unamericanpunk: Germany and Sweeden are the same? wow... that's not what I remember from geography class
realamericansforbush: then the jews came and separated it all
unamericanpunk: so how do you feel about Jesus?
realamericansforbush: he is the lord God
unamericanpunk: so your lord god is a jew.... did you know that?
realamericansforbush: no you got it mixed up
realamericansforbush: the jews killed him
realamericansforbush: that is why they are evil
unamericanpunk: oh... wow, I thought it was the Romans!
realamericansforbush: there god ist he devil
realamericansforbush: and money
unamericanpunk: wow.... so that explains why my Jewish friends are broke... they must have been worshiping all their money... yeah...
realamericansforbush: I have never seen a poor jew
realamericansforbush: I do not know any though
unamericanpunk: so only rich people are Jewish then?
realamericansforbush: yes
unamericanpunk: So... what do you consider rich?
realamericansforbush: they are all in hollywood
realamericansforbush: jews
realamericansforbush: with there gold and big houses
unamericanpunk: no, like what monitary amount?
realamericansforbush: probably when they get to be millonares
unamericanpunk: oh... so wait... then George Bush is a Jew!!!
realamericansforbush: no he is a honest American White Christian
unamericanpunk: Actually... all but one of his cabnet members are Jewish too...
realamericansforbush: he hates the jew
unamericanpunk: but he's a millionare
realamericansforbush: it is ok if a honest man has money
unamericanpunk: you're making exceptions to your logic
realamericansforbush: just not a jew
unamericanpunk: how is he an honest man? how did he make this money?
realamericansforbush: by serving America
unamericanpunk: oh, so if a Jew works hard and earns money then it's not ok?
unamericanpunk: He was a millionare before he was president
realamericansforbush: they don't ever work hard though
realamericansforbush: they just swindle
unamericanpunk: oh that's right... they just swindle... like ENRON!!! Hahah... and those guys weren't Jewish...
unamericanpunk: oh, what kind of car do you drive?
realamericansforbush: maybe they converted but the jew jean does not go away
realamericansforbush: I have a F 150
unamericanpunk: what kind of gas mileage does that get?
unamericanpunk: they have Jew in their genes?
realamericansforbush: yeah
realamericansforbush: they have big noses
unamericanpunk: so how many chromosomes do they have?
realamericansforbush: the jew amount
unamericanpunk: please, dr, explain this amount to me
unamericanpunk: (quick, use google)
realamericansforbush: what is that?
unamericanpunk: oh nevermind
realamericansforbush: it varies on the jew
unamericanpunk: so how many chromosomes do white people have?
realamericansforbush: the most
unamericanpunk: how much is that, dr.?
realamericansforbush: I have 12
unamericanpunk: wow... 12?
unamericanpunk: that's amazing
realamericansforbush: good
unamericanpunk: Because.... humans have 46... so yeah, how did you manage to even make it past birth?
realamericansforbush: I meant 12 more than 46
unamericanpunk: ooh.... wow, so you're a mutant?
realamericansforbush: no it is normal for the Whie Man
realamericansforbush: they do not tell you this unless you are in the right circles
realamericansforbush: like in the medical college the teacher told us it like a secret
unamericanpunk: ooh... and what circles are those? the oval shaped ones?
unamericanpunk: oh, and I wanted to tell you, with the gas you burn in your f150 you're helping to support the middle east
realamericansforbush: no I get gas from Texaco
realamericansforbush: so it goes to Texas
unamericanpunk: hahaha, wow, if only that were true... Texaco is now owned by Shell (they merged a couple years ago). That doesn't really matter though, because before that they only got a small amount of oil from the U.S.
realamericansforbush: we own the arabs now though so it is ok
realamericansforbush: that is why we beat Iraq and afganistan
realamericansforbush: and already we had isreal
unamericanpunk: Oh.... yeah, that's right... we own all of the middle east... just remembered... we invaded like what... 10% of it?
realamericansforbush: we only have like one country left
realamericansforbush: sadi arabi
realamericansforbush: a
unamericanpunk: We have Isreal? So we own the Jews too then?
realamericansforbush: yeah
unamericanpunk: really? So iraq, afganistan, and saudi arabia is the whole middle east?
realamericansforbush: oh I thought we had some more
realamericansforbush: what is the other one?
unamericanpunk: quatar?
realamericansforbush: never heard of it
unamericanpunk: libya?
unamericanpunk: the U.A.E.?
realamericansforbush: no that is not it
unamericanpunk: Jordan?
realamericansforbush: they made a country named after him?
realamericansforbush: I would think it would be in africa
unamericanpunk: Liberia?
realamericansforbush: no not them
realamericansforbush: I mean the other one from the arab
unamericanpunk: Egypt?
realamericansforbush: that is like in old times
realamericansforbush: like rome
unamericanpunk: Iran?
realamericansforbush: and greece
realamericansforbush: yeah that is it
unamericanpunk: Turkey?
realamericansforbush: we have to finisht hem
realamericansforbush: iran
unamericanpunk: ooh... Iran...
unamericanpunk: So... we'll take over Iran... and then own the whole middle east, right?
realamericansforbush: yeah basically
realamericansforbush: I heard sadi arabia is on our side now
unamericanpunk: But won't that piss Canada off?
realamericansforbush: haha we can kill them easy
unamericanpunk: What about Australia?
realamericansforbush: like where that alligator guy comes from?
unamericanpunk: Ohhh, and what if Germany doesn't want us to fight? Should we nuke the Germans too?
realamericansforbush: Germany is our brothers!
unamericanpunk: uhh... yeah, the alligator guy comes from Australia... he's one tough motherfucker
unamericanpunk: Did you know Germany was against us invading Iraq?
realamericansforbush: it must have been there jews
unamericanpunk: oh yeah, all those Jews in Germany....
unamericanpunk: Wait, so your brothers are Jews?!?!
realamericansforbush: yeah that is why the fuhrer had to fight them
realamericansforbush: no!
realamericansforbush: the Germans are
realamericansforbush: the jews are not real Germans
unamericanpunk: oh... they're just poser Germans, huh?
realamericansforbush: like they are the scum there
realamericansforbush: there is a book about it
realamericansforbush: I think it is called My Cough
unamericanpunk: wow, so Germany is run by scum then?
realamericansforbush: until the fourth reich
unamericanpunk: Is that a book about catching a cold?
realamericansforbush: I think it means the jew is the cold
unamericanpunk: Oh.... well they better wear some sweaters then!
unamericanpunk: maybe a turtleneck
realamericansforbush: or put them with the indian
realamericansforbush: so then they would give the red man the cold
realamericansforbush: and kill them
unamericanpunk: oh we already did that.... with the whole smallpox thing
realamericansforbush: that is how I know they can catch cold
unamericanpunk: ooh... but we're immune?
realamericansforbush: of course
realamericansforbush: or the jew would have already won
unamericanpunk: wow.... that's pretty cool. Must be those extra 12 genes
realamericansforbush: yes maybe
unamericanpunk: wait... so did you get a smallpox shot in your arm when you were younger?
realamericansforbush: it is a fake medicine
unamericanpunk: ooh... yeah... wait... so then.... being a doctor means nothing?
realamericansforbush: that is why the jews are doctors
realamericansforbush: and I am a plumber
unamericanpunk: do you have health care?
realamericansforbush: no I hate when they make me take off my pants
unamericanpunk: they just want to look at your ass
realamericansforbush: they grab my naughty part
realamericansforbush: and say cough
realamericansforbush: and then I know they are jews
unamericanpunk: oh, they're just checking your prostate... yeah, it's pretty messed up, but that's a man's g-spot
realamericansforbush: I think they made it up as a excuse
realamericansforbush: because the jew is the faggot
realamericansforbush: and the sodomite
unamericanpunk: yeah, but if you get cancer there it usually kills you... or makes you go impotent...
realamericansforbush: really?
unamericanpunk: all the jews are gay?
realamericansforbush: oh
realamericansforbush: yes
realamericansforbush: that is why they have ugly females
unamericanpunk: so... how do they reproduce then? is it through mytosis?
unamericanpunk: Hey, I don't know about that... I dated one once... she looked pretty good to me...
realamericansforbush: it was a convert then?
unamericanpunk: nope, I'm pretty sure she was still a female
realamericansforbush: the jew is very tricky
realamericansforbush: they can play tricks on your mind
realamericansforbush: like the devil does
unamericanpunk: oh... so are they really hemaphrodites?
realamericansforbush: I say
realamericansforbush: I saw a picture of the devil
realamericansforbush: and he looked like a jew
realamericansforbush: but with red skin and horns
unamericanpunk: Was it a polaroid?
realamericansforbush: it was a cartoon
unamericanpunk: oooh... yeah, those cartoons are so factual
realamericansforbush: usually
unamericanpunk: Like bugs bunny... man, he's one wascully wabbit!
realamericansforbush: I do not watch him I think he is trying to turn our children into faggots
realamericansforbush: he put on a drss one time
unamericanpunk: Must be something with the carrot.... so what about Elmer Fudd then?
realamericansforbush: he is good
realamericansforbush: for pro guns
unamericanpunk: and that homosexual rabbit manages to outsmart him all the time... shucks
realamericansforbush: maybe it was created by the jew
unamericanpunk: ahh... so bugs bunny is Jewish propaganda, huh?
realamericansforbush: yes. He is against the fuhrer to
unamericanpunk: oh yeah... wait, bugs doesn't have a big nose though
realamericansforbush: but he talks like a new yorkite
unamericanpunk: so new york is bad?
unamericanpunk: everything north of the mason-dixon line bad, huh?
realamericansforbush: new yorks are jews
realamericansforbush: I am proud to be from Georgia
unamericanpunk: oh, so then... you were happy about the whole 9-11 thing?
realamericansforbush: yeah mostly they killed jews I think and then we got to go kill lots of arabs
unamericanpunk: so... if you bombed new york then you'd be partiotic?
realamericansforbush: in a way
unamericanpunk: but they're americans though...
realamericansforbush: not jews aren't
unamericanpunk: they're not? even if they were born here?
realamericansforbush: no they are isreals
realamericansforbush: I am tired now. I have to sleep
unamericanpunk: they're all born in israel... and shiped over here?
unamericanpunk: awww... well, I look forward to more conversations with you, it's been fun
realamericansforbush: yes. in a way. good night. Heil Hitler. Vote Bush. Sleep welll.
Session Close (realamericansforbush): Sat Nov 08 00:57:33 2003