Title: The one that got away
fighter_of_moon Pairings: AKame; RyoKame
Genre: Angst; AU
Summary: Kazuya will always think of Jin as the one that got away, but fortunately he has Ryo.
A/N: I was in the mood for some drabbles for a while now and listening to Katy Perry's song, I just started writing. It might get a little confused as there aren't many things explained, but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless :3
It will be nice to listen to the song while you're at it <3
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The one that got away
Somewhere along this life, you meet someone who will make your life seem heaven and hell in the same time. And you cling to that person like you gasp for air, because he is the safest and secure you’ll know. And you promise love, you promise dreams and hopes that one or another way they will end up crushed. Then all is left is for you to move on, to face the life without that someone.
Time can make love fade, but it will never make it disappear.
And he knew this very well. Despite everything that happened, despite every word filled with hatred and disdain, he will always be in love with that special person.
In another life I will make you stay
This had always been their mistake. They easily separated and hardly got back together - two prideful humans who never knew when to give up, not until it got too late and they only managed to ruin each other once more. Yet, all this made their love even more wonderful, more worthy. That’s why he had never thought -
Never plan that one day I’ll lose you
But he did and he wasn’t sure it was his entire fault. Because in a relationship, there’s always a need for two. Maybe they had never been that great together, maybe they had forced things when they shouldn’t have, maybe they should have stayed just friends, maybe they should have stayed broken up from the first time. There are too many maybes to their relationship and now he was wondering if there had ever been something sure - secure - between them.
Maybe not.
I’m no longer your muse
Music has always connected them, one way or another. It has been the one that brought them together in the first place and in the last place, it has been the one that separated them. They had craved for different things and in the end, they had lost sight of their feelings. They had left people and selfish things come between them, making them always be on the edge. But now, Kazuya could honestly say that he was no longer Jin’s muse. Because he is -
The one that got away
A light squeeze around his shoulders had him turn around to look into the dark orbs of the person he had come to love over years. Yes, he was capable of loving again, despite believing Jin had put an end to his heart. A soft smile made his lips curl up and the tanned man smiled back, squeezing his shoulders a little tighter. Kazuya knew that he was aware of what was going inside his mind - his heart - but he couldn’t say it out loud. Even after the years have passed, talking about Jin was as painful as thinking of him. After all, they had shared something no one else had - together, they have discovered a world which they had left behind in the blink of an eye.
Were regrets even possible now?
Kazuya sighed and he leaned against the man behind him who held him lightly as he lifted his head to look up at the huge billboard in front of them. His dark eyes took in the sight of a beautiful man, with wavy and brown hair whose smile seemed goofy and warm. He couldn’t help but feel jealousy spurring inside his heart - after all, the one he was looking at was his lover’s greatest love.
“…the one that got away.” Kazuya replied as always and looked once more at Jin who was at the peak of his fame while he had chosen a quiet life together with someone else, someone that could really love him without constraints. He searched for the other man’s hand and squeezed it in a grasp.
Ryo will never replace Jin, but he will be the second best.