After I finished my W&M application and Madame Bovary Essay Exam at 4AM I went to bed. I couldn't sleep I was so excited... schools starting again! My "New Years" resolution was not to be late to 1st period all year. At 7:22 I ran into English, and to my dismay the bell had already rung. It was ok though, six other people were tardy also. English dragged on and on.... I had to speak about my family, so I just talked about an argument and how everyone got pissed off at each other. Everyone started laughing, but I wasn't sure whether it was with me or at me...
Government sucked, just got loads of more work, had to pay Alex Penney 20$ because the Redskins failed to make the playoffs or win 8 games. Stupid Redskins. Stupid Alex.
Calculus just brought more failure to my day. I got a 18/50 and 8/20 on the test.. and I studied for freaking EVER. Now I'm destined for an F, Lau won't even take test corrections anymore.
But anyway, after school was the worst. Some random guy begged me for a ride and said he lived only 5 minutes away. It turns out he lived 20 minutes away in the opposite direction of the pool, so I was late to practice. After practice I made it to the gas station just as my car ran out of gas. I threw away the remaining christmas money on gas money. It was also raining and cold. After terrible traffic I made it home to find the lights off, nobody home and everyones cell phone off.
Just when I think things can't get any worse, it does....
"All swimmers and divers:
If you received an F, D, and/or D+ on your interim, and your grade has changed since then, please bring a note from that teacher with your new grade to Ms. Bennett by Wednesday morning, or you may not swim in Friday and/or Saturdays meet. Ms. Bennett. "
I can't swim!?!?! WTF! no swimming= no jason! Aghhhh. They didn't even tell us of this stupid new rule.
And I got rejected without even saying a word. A new low....
Other crap happened too so feel bad for me and give me lots of sympathy food. (jk)
But on a brighter note I just thought of the riskiest thing I've ever done in school. A couple months ago we had a government paper due 3rd period that I forgot all about, so I told Mr. Ketch my 1st period teacher that I had to go to the bathroom. Instead I went to the library and did the paper. I was gone for 35 minutes and he didn't say a word! That was a great moment in my life at Oakton.