chiodos' new cd is really good, but, could they steal any more fucking lines from bukowski? for real.
anyway, it inspired me to re-read some of his stuff.
man, he was fucking amazing. if he were alive i would have been one of those crazy girls writing him letters, i swear.
i will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
&how you gave me
everything you had
&how i
offered you what was left of
&i will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh
i went for another interview today. it went far better than the last, &i should have another two lined up within the next week or so. things are looking up.
this is all just random filler, i just really wanted to post that poem..