It's about time for me to stop caring. For about the last month (and longer), various people spill their problems to me, whether its about boys, girls, weed, sex, concert going, drug dealing, drug purchasing, phone bills, parents, siblings, cars, gas money, school, homework, teachers, students, etc. We're teenagers, and it's fairly common to bitch and moan about our every day problems. Of course I understand, I'm a teenager too.
But it's come to the point where there are whiny, stupid, and ignorant people who claim that "life sucks." Yeah, your sure as right life sucks, GET A FUCKING HELMET. Right now, I have no helmet. If you explain to me that life sucks because of one of the reasons previously listed, like your boyfriend not buying you a birthday present or OH GOD, GETTING AN A- ON A TEST, then I will cut your fucking legs. I'm so fucking serious, if I need to listen to one more person bitch and complain about the problems that are leaning on the trivial side of life, I will go after you.
Wanna hear an interesting story? My dad has fucked up our entire family. Why? Because he went the lowest he could possibly go, EVER. He took an interest in one of his clients, one that both my mom and I knew, and had a little "fling" with her. After my dad decided to come clean about it, about 6 weeks into it, he expected my mom and I to understand why he did it. So why did he do it? He used his brain and facial surgeries as an excuse to get with "a happier side of life." What happier side of life? A client that works for him? Is this any reason to abandon your wife, daughter, brother, and dad? Half of whom he hasn't told and expects us to be quiet and understanding about it? So basically, he cheated on my mom, and expected us to be okay with it. That is why my life sucks right now. I can't think straight. I can't eat, let alone sleep, or function like I used to. So right now, no one has shit on me, at all.
So are you still one of these people who thinks your life sucks because your dog tracked mud on your carpet or because your little brother won't stop calling you a PenisFace? Suck it the fuck up before I go after you. I'm upset about this-- this is why I've been missing school and falling behind and possibly not hanging out with some of you. Deal with it, I'm having a hard time. So don't ask me "OMGz WhY HaVe YoU NoT BeEn In ScHoOl?" because I'll come after you. I'm sick of people, seriously.
Right now, no one has any shit on me. I have sympathy for no one.