Post a picture of a friend, then tell about them
Hyper all the time (just not in this picture)
The only rainbow camera whore I know
Boldly goes where no kid has gone before
Has a tits car
Fun to get drunk with
The most badass, morose person I know
Border line between bisexual and gay (his name is Drew, and he straightened his hair on his own time, and took pictures)
Confused at times
Digs chicks, heavy metal, and long curly hair
Hella funny guy (Alex Werner, "Pockets")
Likes the Pixies, soccer, and boys -- Likes pussy, beer, and looking sexy
Resembles a Star Wars character =)
Biggest Beatles fan ever. I'm not kidding.
Has a 4.0, looks hawt in a bathing suit, and digs tiny local bands
Resides in Calgary, Alberta, lives like a 20 year old, acts like an 8 year old
My 3 favorite seniors
Nut job =)
HAH. Oh that was fun.
Bye for now.