fairestcat's journal, she brought up gay behavior in bandom. It pushed a button. Her post and my comment
fairestcat, I don't know if I repeated arguments already used, and I'm sorry if I harshed your buzz, or whatever the phrase is, but we're going to have to disagree on this one. (But the icon is meant to indicate I do have a sense of humor about it.)
Comments 8
(btw, i know i never responded to a comment of yours a couple of weeks ago and i'm sorry. i will respond to it eventually.)
Insidious isn't the word I'd use, unless Black-face would be considered insidious. I mean, it could be argued that the long-term effect of performers such as Jolsen helped open the door for Black performers, but I wouldn't agree.
trying this again:
i say insidious because i think "stage gay" is less obviously an act of dressing up (arguably, at least) and seems, therefore, like it doesn't represent the same distance between the performers in this circumstance and being gay as does someone like jolson and being black. so it seems less problematic at first glance.
Maybe I'm just old and cynical. If you follow the link again, there's further interchange telling me that I'm just wrong and the stage gay is opening up the gender space with younger people, but I don't know. Too much history in the south, too many times watching people backpedal and contort themselves when they discover I'm not straight...
I hate to see you go, but I understand needing to regroup to focus on things outside lj, I've been trying to do the same myself a bit lately.
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