Mostly Unchanging Wishlist of Favorites

Dec 01, 2007 21:45

I'm putting this wishlist here mainly for my own organization because I want to keep track of when I'm low on things. I recently had the unpleasant situation of nearly running out of BPAL Dorian and having no backup. (Yikes.) It's mostly a list of all my favorite perfumes and whether or not I'm currently looking for more.

Anything on this list is something that I wear with a certain sort of regularity. Some are considered rare and some aren't, and I honestly don't give a whit whether it's rare or not. If I like it, I like it. These are all in order, with absolute favorites at the top. If I'm looking for more, it's blue.

- Caffeinated Death
- Chai layering note
- Chocolate layering note
- Dia de los Muertos
- Devilish** (My bottle is running low!)
- Haint
- Little Ghoulie
- Rapunzel
- La Befana scrub (It should be illegal to like something as much as I like this)
- Sleepy Hollow scrub
- Filthy Viking soap

Tier One
I wear these most often -- these are sort of my staples:
Snake Oil, Snake Charmer, Vasakasajja, Vixen, Trick or Treat, El Dia de Reyes, Huesos de Santo, Pumpkin Queen, Beatrice, Dorian, Titania
I would wear these more often than I do if I had more of them (but I still wear them frequently):
Pinched with Four Aces, Underpants, Sugar Cookie, Black Orchid, Beaver Moon 05
I wear these more than usual but not quite as much as that first row:
Agony of Longing, 13 orange label, Gingerbread Poppet, Pumpkin Patch #4, Manhattan, Bathsheba, Madame Moriarty

Tier Two
I am too afraid to wear these very often because I don't have that much and they're rare/expensive:
Mitzvah, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Queen of Spades
I wear these with some regularity, but not quite Tier One level:
Hellion, La Fee Verte, Trick #1, Peony Moon, Atrocious Attic, Cheshire Cat, The Unicorn
I really like these but don't seem to reach for them as much and probably should:
Dreamland, Tamamo-no-Mae, The Emathides, Perilous Parlor, Lurid Library, Pumpkin II, Death Adder,  Bearded Lady, Dark Delicacies, Sapphics, Quincey Morris, R.M. Renfield, Whippoorwill, Haloa, Midwinter's Eve, Snow-Flakes, Crumpet Rebellion, Bloody Mary, Tokyo Stomp, Fire Pig, Glasya, Abhisarika, Crypt Queen
I used to like these a lot but not as much anymore:
Haunted Palace, Lenore, Morella, Tell-Tale Heart, Smut, Snow Bunny
I haven't had these long enough to tell where they'll fit in:
Ones I think I'd wear a lot but don't have a bottle:
Velvet, Cheshire Moon

- Black Out Smooch
- Decadence Smooch
- Decadence Soap
- Ginger Snapped Smooch
- Jai Mahal Smooch
- Krakatoa Soap


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