***************Have You Ever???*****************
1. Been kissed: yes
2. Done drugs: nope
3. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: maybe?
4. Had sex: yes
5. Been on stage: many times
6. Been dumped: yes
9. Been to a concert?: yes
11. Cheated on a test: no
12. Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere: ugh, often!
13. Stolen something: not that I can remember
14. Stalked someone: heh...kinda
15. Cold or hot: warm
16. Day or night: night
17. Blue or red: blue
18. Rain or snow: rain
19. Give or receive: give
20. Wool or cotton: cotton
21. Rose or daisy: rose
22. Private school or public school: public
23. Chocolate milk or regular milk: chocolate soy milk!
24. Celsius or Fahrenheit: farenheit
25. Spring or fall: both
26. History or science: both
27. Math or English: depends on my mood
28. Alternative or country: Brazilian rock!
****************Opposite Sex*****************
29. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex: yes
30. Do they know: yup
31. What do you look for in a woman or man: lots of things. not going to bother listing them.
32. What's the first thing you see in a man or woman: smile, eyes
33. Who are your funniest friends: Keith, Andre, Molly, Mom
34. Who are your stupidest friends: Brian
35. Who makes you laugh/smile the most: Keith, Andre, Mom
36. Who could you trust with your life? Mom, Keith, Clay, Mark, Molly
37. Who's your best friend(s): I don't like that label.
38. Who's the loudest: Molly
39. Who's the shyest: me
40. Whose parents do you know the best: Clay's family, Mark's parents, Molly's mom
41. Who are you jealous of: no one that I can think of
42. Who has the best room: Molly! Keith's is too messy, and Mark's and Clay's tend to be cold
****************Within the last 24 hours*****************
43. Had a serious talk: yes
45. Gotten along with your parents: yes
46. Fought with a friend: no
****************Do you like to...*****************
47. Get hugs: yes
49. Take walks in the rain: if it's warm enough
50. What did you do this summer: fired an M16, worked in a factory, band and Army stuff, worked in a factory, Denver trip, got ready for school
****************Which one of your friends?**************
51. Is most likely to grow up and be a model/singer: none of them
52. Which one knows most about you: Clay
53. Is most likely to become a comedian: not sure.
54. Have you known the longest: Clay, or Viki. definitely Viki, but we never talk anymore.
55. Do you know most about: it's a toss-up between Clay, Molly and Keith
56. Would you fuck?: well, I fuck Keith, sooo....
57. Best friends: don't like that label!
58. Most likely to become a prostitute: none of them
59. Most likely to end up in jail: none of them
60. Person you hate the most right now: eh. no one, really
61. Single or hooked: hooked
62. Dumped someone that you didn't really like in the first place: no
63. Who is your biggest crush? *blush* probably Andre.
64. If you were going to go out with anyone who would it be: *sigh* no one.
65. Have you had a lot of b/f's or g/f's: not really
66. Have you ever had an online relationship: yes -- and it's no one you know. seriously.
67. What is your worst habit: I'm a bitch and I procrastinate. If only I could procrastinate being a bitch...
68. What really makes you mad: the Embassy in Thailand. amoung other things.
69. Scariest moment: can't think of one at the moment
70. Happiest moment: graduations, promotion, just being.
71. Do you swear: much too often
72. How do you feel about homosexuals: why is it such a big deal? homosexuality occurs in animals, too. go read Biological Exuberance.
73. Do you dress like a slut/prep/snob/sporty/punk/or just plain?: I'm a jeans and a t-shirt girl.
74. When was the last time you showered: yesterday
75. What color pants do you have on right now: faded blue jeans
76. What is the last thing you said: some smartass remark to my dad
77. What is your computer desk made of: my lap
78. What are the last 4 digits in your phone #: 3859
79. What was the last thing you ate: chicken? no, wait! it was a candy bar.
80. If you were a crayon, what color would you be: blue
81. Who would you want to spend the rest of your life with: a good man. any takers?
82. Do you have a lava lamp: no..I have a glitter lamp
83. How many buddies do you have on your list: 76 on AIM, about 15 on Yahoo
84. What did you do last night: did some tech support work
85. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: Keith, then Mom, then Andre
86. What's the nicest thing you find about the opposite sex: nothing that I couldn't find in a woman!
87. This quiz likes to skip numbers: didn't notice
88. What is the nicest present you've gotten this year: my laptop
89. How do you eat an Oreo: with milk
90. Favorite M&M's: peanut butter
91. Who makes you happy: friends, music, good grades, a good book
92. Favorite CD: a Moby disc
93. Height: 5'7"
94. Are you a loser: nah
95. Last CD you bought: a Jet disc, and a Yeah Yeah Yeahs disc.
96. Have you ever won any special awards: For school and band
97. What do you want to be when you grow up: A geek.
98. What are your future goals: survive the Brazil trip, graduate college
99. If you could be an animal, what would you be: a fish or a bird
100. Glad this survey is over: sure, why not?
last cigarrette: never
last kiss: Oct 18
last good cry: awhile. I need another one.
last library book checked out: something that ended up being overdue.
last movie seen: can't remember
last book read: feed. no, seriously. go read it!
last cuss word uttered: who the fuck knows.
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: candy bar.
last phone call: Keith
last tv show watched: Law and Order
last shoes worn: sneakers
last cd played: my Brazilian rock mix
last item bought: international phone card
last downloaded: music...shh!
last annoyance: money situation!
last disappointment: Brian. ugh.
last soda drank: can't remember
last thing handwritten: my french test
last word spoken: smartass comment to my dad
last sleep: 1:30-9:00
last im: Molly
weird encounter: haunted house...on crutches.
last ice cream eaten: chocolate peanut butter...
last amused: last night
last time wanting to die: last year
last time in love: eh.
last time hugged: last weekend
last time scolded: today
last chair sat in: at class
last lipstick used: chapstick
last shirt worn: green long sleeve shirt
last time dancing: ....I can't remember!
last poster looked at: the one in my room
last show attended: Bob Log III!!!!!!!!
1 MINUTE AGO: Doing the survery thing
1 HOUR AGO: surfing the web
1 DAY AGO: lounging around
1 WEEK AGO: stressing
1 YEAR AGO: probably sleeping.
current clothes: Socks, jeans, shirt, hoodie, and the under garments
current mood: eh
current music: Jota Quest - "Dias Melhores"
current taste: saliva
current hair: down
current annoyance: headphones + glasses = not a good combination
current smell: nothing
current thing I should be doing: practicing Portuguese, writing French essay, sleeping, showering
current desktop picture: view of Lake Evans (the lake behind my house)
current refreshment: nothing
current worry: money, Brazil trip, surgery
1. What do you most like about your body? my eyes
2. And least? I have a jiggly butt. It could go away.
3. How many fillings do you have?: 2? 3?
4. Do you think you're good looking?: some do
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? yeah