Title: Obstacles Chapter 7a/8
Pairing: Jonghyun/Key, slight Minho/Taemin, Onew
Rating: R
Genres: Romance, slight angst
Summary: How would you react if you came across something totally unexpected? Something you never thought you would have to face? Jonghyun never imagined that there would come a time in his life when he would have to
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Comments 7
I love how nosy the other 3 are and the scene after Kibum leaves is officially my fav in this fic. I really, really need to quote the hell out of it but I have to wait til I get home cause I can't do that from my cell, obviously xD
And since u haven't revealed the ex's name yet, let me remind u that his height is average, so either change his name or the "tall" thing :p
although considering jjong's height, everyone else is tall LOL
P.S. kala ekanes kai ebales to a/n telika, kalutera etsi ;)
Ditto that, I love the dunamic of the 3 and love writing about them. I guess they remind me of my own friends? *shruggs*
Nope, his ex is reaaally tall :P
xaaxaxaxaxaa Jjong's height xaxa u meannie ^^
lol this was soo cute!! I'm glad everyones not stress anymore
thanks for the update :)
thank you for commenting and supporting this story all this time <3
while reading /giggles/
And when it finished /gasps/
Auwww jongkey has make up!!! Pabo jjong you can just get rid the diva kay..kkk
Seems like key still has feeling to his ex,i wonder who is he..? Im excited for some jelly/jjong...
And..two chaps left?? I have this mixed feelings..im supadupa happy when u continue this(some authors who left their fics for too long will suddenly come out with retirement or hiatus notice) im really happy!! When i realised it was only 2chaps more to end,i kinda elief..i mean,i can get thru it to the end,without frustration..also this is a promise u made to keep writing it...but also sad,i love this kind of story..so when it ends../sigh/
Hwvr,everything starts with Beginning and stop with Ending hehe
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE...and sorry for this long babbling huhu
I'm really happy and thankful for your thoughts on this. Yeah, sadly only two more chaps and it'll be over ^^
Also, thank YOU for commenting and making me feel that giving up on this story is not an option. xD
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