Small, tiny, 100 word drabble, Arthur/Merlin, PG, Dialogue Only
Can be read at The_CinnaCult 'Merlin, what on Earth are you eating? You're making a mess.'
'Excuse me?'
'Merlin, swallow.'
'(audible gulp)'
'Cinnamon-apple pie.'
'And that means you have to get it all over your fingers, face, and my table?'
'It's good, try some.'
'No really, you shou...d...'
'Arthur, why are you sucking on my fingers?'
'You said to try some, I am.'
'Maybe you should try some more?'
'Merlin, sometimes you're not as big of an idiot as you look.'
'Prat, shut up and-'
(No more proper dialogue for at least an hour while Arthur eats pie off various parts of Merlin.)
Thank you to
dysonrules for letting me call her, demand she shove food in her mouth, and try to say 'cinnamon-apple pie' so I could try to write Merlin's dialogue.
(Someone else can feel free to write the porn)