Done...about *checks watch* a little over an hour ago. My cohort all fell asleep on me, so they're all about 300 pages behind, at least.
...and, some spoiler space
Jesus. You know, my major complaint for the last two books was "Wait, isn't this war?! Where's the peril, people, I want crimson flowing in the streets, blah blah blah..."
Thanks Jo, you're a peach.
Just....relentless in the best possible way. Gory and funny and heartbreaking and awesome.
I didn't get my champage pre-reading toast wish for Inferi!Percy, but we can't have everything I suppose.
All of the obvious stuff to gasp and squee over, but some of my pet favorites (many rooted in past RPG experiences and thus fraught with added meaning)...
- Narcissa, I love you. I love that you and Lucius, at the end of the day, were just terrified for your little brat of a kid. I love that you lied to Voldie. Badass.
- Dead!Crabbe...I have no idea why, but this one shocked the hell out of me. Maybe because Ron got to deliver the news bluntly, or maybe because the Hogwarts battle royale continued on and on and on...Goyle actually speaking, and talking back no less, equally shocking. All in all, a damn fine book for lackeys and hangers-on on both sides of the good/evil divide.
-The Seinfeld season finale wedding...Krum, I missed you, even if you showed up for the sole purpose of passing on some exposition and making me giggle about you not getting laid. Krum!'s real, and it's *spectacular*! redemption. ever.
-Battlescar!Neville, with sword of Gryffindor, Gran sold seperately.
- *gasp* Molly said bitch!
- Dudley! Big D!
- the post-wedding attack in the diner, the first and best indication that this book was going to go Michael Bay style full speed ahead, bombs exploding, guns blazing, and never ever let up (except, you know, in a non sucky, wizardly way).
Not entirely sure I'm crazy about...
-Snape+Lily= luff. We all saw this coming a mile off, but still...I'm still not comfy with the neat Snape redemption, nor am I too happy about Percy, despite his awesome resignation joke.
-Dumbledore: "Welcome to the matrix Harry, would you like some guns? Or a latex outfit? This place can be anything you wish it to be." Harry: "Meh, King's Cross seems aiight. Dumbly, you got some splaiiiinin' to do..."
More after I sleep, gather my thoughts, and re-read a few passages...