I wonder what's up with Mohinder. I wonder what's up with a LOT of people lately. This place might be more of a headache than it's worth. I don't know. Huh. It'll all work itself out, I figure. But you know it's reaching some new level of lame when you miss Texas and you're gay. Except for her, but that's a little too weird for both of us, ever.
Oh well. Hopefully he doesn't hurt anyone and hopefully something good happens. Maybe I'm just bored. Like that never happens. Snape's shop took up more time than I thought it did.
RE: curse days when you freak out and need help from a friend? Like, I don't know, borrowing clothes? Okay but could you wake us up after sunrise? Just a request for future freak-outs.
RE: what to do if you have one day left to live? Whatever you want.
RE: swords and stuff....rain check?
Oh and one more thing, I've been seeing a lot of crappy coding around the network. Don't let this happen to you. Or uh, you can let it happen, but seriously, if you want solid codes for filters, just ask someone. Trial and error with your big secrets proooobably isn't what you want to aim for.