Rebecca "Becca" P.
14 1/2
New Hampshire aka The Shire
Reading, music, piano, dogs, computers, and football.
1. If you were to attend Hogwarts, what would be your favorite classes and why?
Either Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, or Learning how to fly. DATDA because I would love to learn all the cool hexes and jinxs so that I could be able to fight whatever danger came my way. Charms because levitating things and making things move would come really handy. Flying because I'd love to learn to fly and then be able to play Quiddich.
2. Without bashing any particular house, where do you feel like you least belong? Why?
Any of them. I suppose least in Slytherin because I'm not very sly and tricky. And I'm not at all like anyone in there. (Snape, Malfoy, Riddle, etc.)
3. Who are your favorite major and minor characters in the series? Why?
Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley because I'm all about girl power! I also relate to Ginny's being the youngest of seven because I am as well and Hermione's being sort of awkward in the way she looks in the first 3 books because I also feel that way.
4. Which character do you most identify with and why?
Ginny. Being the youngest is hard but being able to tough through it and learn from your older siblings is what we do best.
5. What makes a person respectable in your eyes?
No breaking their code of Morals. Sticking to what they believe in even if you don't agree with it.
6. If you were an animagus, what would you transfigure into and why?
A dog because I'm playful and loyal.
7. You are looking at the Mirror of Erised. What do you see?
Like Harry I'd see a happy family (My mom and dad are divorced and we had a hard time growing up).
8. You are faced with a boggart, what form does it take?
People I love dying.
9. Give a quote from the books and explain why you picked it.
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing it's self" I picked it because It's so true and I really love it.
10. Speaking of quotes, what do you think of this one? "There is no good and evil in this world, only power and those too weak to seek it." -Quirrellmort.
I disagree. I think that we have choices in life. Choices between doing what's right and doing what's easy and if you choose your self over others that's being selfish and selfishness is the root of all things bad and evil.
11.If you could have a dinner party and invite any 3 other people, dead, alive, or fictional, who would they be and why?
J.R.R. Tolkien because I love Lord of the Rings and He's just a great man that lived a hard life and got through it all right, Jason Taylor (NFL Player) because he's my all time favorite player and I love football, and Fred Weasley because he's loads of fun and he'd make it a party!
12. Which is thicker, friendship or blood?
Friends. Because friends will always be there for you and family might not.
13. Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason?
If it was the only way to save a friend I would. It would be hard but I'd do it anyways.
14. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire for the Tri-Wizard Tournament? Why or why not?
Probably not. I'm not a huge risk taker.
15.True or False: Rules are meant to be broken. Explain.
Under certain circumstances, true. Even if it's not to do right, sometimes it's fun to break the rules.
16. Anything else you'd like us to take into consideration?
Grindylow!!!!! Umm I guess my last words would be wherever I end up is ok by me because I'll probably meet people within my house that have the same interests as me, so that will be awesome. Also I know a lot of other sorting commuintys and such are really into seing if you push a house too much but frankly I think that's stupid because what of a person is really like that and they can't help but agree with every characteristics a house has. P.S. I'm very bad a grammar and explaining my self. Will work on it.
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