so, now it's 1 in the morning, i'm still up. don't have work tomorrow, and want to hang out, since i finally have a day off. anyone want to hang out with me? i have to get up around 2 to take lenette to a dr. appointment, and b says he wants me to help around the house when he gets off work. but i'm lonely! and the house work is boring, repetative
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Comments 3
Consider writing down what you want to say to him. Try to use "I" statements- tell him how you feel, not what he "made" you feel. Try to say "When you do this, it makes me feel xxxx because xxxx" rather than "You made me feel xxxx." When you can get the letter how you want it, read it out loud to him. Ask him to let you read the entire letter before commenting, and then give him time to tell you how he feels about your letter without interrupting him.
I wish I had some time to hang out with you but I won't for a couple of weeks. However, call me if you need to talk!!
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