Akazukin to Mayoi no Mori notes

Jun 11, 2011 04:09

So far I've played through the Story route (which is pretty inconclusive) and the True ending for the wolf.

I'd say the game's writing could be better. It suffers from a bit too much 'stating/telling' and some of the story is kind of repetitive (how many times do we need to see the dream?) It is somewhat annoying that we have like three separate versions of the mother's death to angst over.

The biggest problem with the story IMHO is that it simply comes out of left field (at least in this route) that the mother was a witch who was killing villagers to use their blood to increase her magical strength. I think it should have been foreshadowed better, because otherwise it's just all of a sudden WTF?

Since the mother is so important to the plot (in a way you could actually say that everything seems to revolve around her? at least in this route?) it is kind of bizarre that we never see any pictures of the mother. Like, for example, compare this to how the Alice series of games handle Rolina, who has no connection to any other character except for Alice, but appears in many flashback scenes. Tiana's mother, on the other hand, not only is a huge influence on her, but also on the other characters, so it's just kind of odd to me that someone so important is never really seen? At least so far.

The other thing I have to say is man, those are a lot of bodily fluids....

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