thats really all goya had was a dark period oh and if anyone can find out where i can get good greek mythological pictures pleease tell me its for a tattoo
and no not really for the goya thing...his dark period was after he lost his hearing and got depressed. before that his work wasn't really dark so much as satryrical.
From a FinalFox to another...
July 30 2005, 23:05:01 UTC
Hi! First, sorry for the possible mistakes I'll make in this message (I'm french ;) . I was testing the results of a web search for my website and I've found your journal. I read some of your posts (here it's near 2 a.m. , so tired... ), and the list of your interests... Many are the same as mine. It's funny to see that the choice of our user name reveals a part of our personality... (the most amazing : I've watched the 3 first orders of Hellsing (once again) this morning, and the first thing I've noticed on this journal was your wallpaper :)
I hope you'll read this message. If you wanna learn more about me (at least on wy work), take a look on my website (you'll find my mail on the home page, if you wish to answer). Or just leave a message on my guest-book -the "El Livre d'Or" button-). I know, it's in french, but the english version will be released one fine day...
Comments 10
art history was good for something i had that pic on my art hist book
I saw the original of that one in spain - twas ever so sexy/dark/evvviiiillll
oman you saw the original? *envy*
yeah i heard the rumors about how it might have been his son's work.
the original must be amazing... how big is it?
oh and if anyone can find out where i can get good greek mythological pictures pleease tell me its for a tattoo
First, sorry for the possible mistakes I'll make in this message (I'm french ;) .
I was testing the results of a web search for my website and I've found your journal. I read some of your posts (here it's near 2 a.m. , so tired... ), and the list of your interests... Many are the same as mine. It's funny to see that the choice of our user name reveals a part of our personality... (the most amazing : I've watched the 3 first orders of Hellsing (once again) this morning, and the first thing I've noticed on this journal was your wallpaper :)
I hope you'll read this message. If you wanna learn more about me (at least on wy work), take a look on my website (you'll find my mail on the home page, if you wish to answer). Or just leave a message on my guest-book -the "El Livre d'Or" button-). I know, it's in french, but the english version will be released one fine day...
See ya on the web, FinalFox !
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