Mar 21, 2010 19:52

More story time...

Skipping ahead to finish the subject of car stuff. I would of course eventually take my drivers test when I was 18. I honestly didn't get much practice. I read a book before the written test, but the actually driving well... Practice for that mostly consisted of me driving my moms jeep around the block by myself. Mom my did TRY to take me out on like real roads and stuff to practice. But my mom has huge problems of course. So it didn't go well with her yelling at me to do stuff. I still remember her yelling at me to get out of the car and that I didn't drive correctly, and one of those movie-ish scenes happened where im like I have my foot on the break she storms out and comes to my side pulling me out while yelling to "get out" and I kept trying to tell her that "the car isnt in park" but she wouldn't have it, and finally when I did get out the car started rolling away.. ha...  Of course then she blamed this on me. =/ Its like dude what am I suppose to do.....

So yea practice not so much. Hell I didn't even get to practice driving on the freeway, which kinda scared the shit out of me.

The written test went fine. I think I got like 2 wrong or something? And one of them was because I read the question wrong.

The drivers test it self was coincidentally done at the Church where the skate park use to be. I remember the guy giving the test was also the same like "supervisor" dude of the church that we would see there. Maybe he was the pastor or something. I remember he recognized me which I dunno if it was like he had the name of the person coming in so he did that in a like fake way since he read it before hand? Or if he just remembered period. But I guess that was nice. Its strange just because of course by that time the skate park had been closed for a couple years, and I was 18 then so it was about 3 years since I had seen them...

I didn't ace the test by any means, as I remember I didn't stop at the line exactly and stuff. But I passed it with room to spare I guess? lol shrug... I was super nervous about the freeway part but somehow managed and got through it.

It was again a strange feeling to see another person that I had left behind to say..  I remember being happy about passing and foolishly feeling pretty proud of myself for doing so. As the whole time before hand my mom kept telling me "what a loser I was, and i would never pass the drivers test. And I should have taken drivers ed when I had the chance." Just that over and over again about what a failure I was and how it would "serve me right" to fail.

Of course when I got back I think the first thing my mom said to me was "Even retards can drive, who cares. Your still a nobody and you will never be anything" One of those kinda things... the usual....

Of course it would be a while though before I even ended up getting a car. I recall holding off till about Winter or so. I was still fine with walking to work I guess up till that point but  with it becoming winter, well.. yea.. lol Of course I also had gotten the modeling job by that time as well which probably helped matters.

The car I ended up getting though obviously was a piece of shit. My mom kept telling me what a great deal it was. It was a 2000 jeep Cherokee only 2 years old at that point. And it only had 20,000 miles on it. I wanted to get a BRAND new car. As the jeep I ended up getting was $14,000 where as a new one was like $20,000. Of course this is all with MY money. Or well my dads dead money. I guess. Again I always paid for my own shit. Where as my brother... =/

I foolishly caved into her suggestions and got the jeep. It was cheaper and considering how much of a boner my mom was getting for it, I tried to tell myself it was a good deal. My mom was apparently so pleased with it, she made me buy the dealership guy a card, because he had done us so well. =/

And well as many know, the battery died the first week or so I got it. Then the windows started breaking. The speaker on the left side broke the first month. And yea there's really not much original parts on this piece of shit. Just one of those I have to tell myself it could have been worse.. I could have gotten it, driven it off the lot and then it exploded right there with me in it. =/

Oh and well yea it would be awhile honestly before  I would start driving on the freeway period. I was still pretty scared for a good while, since in a sense I really just winged my way through that portion of the test. This was pretty bad for the modeling thing cuz I always told myself the one job I could probably easily do is the seekrit shopper jobs I always got, but it required a lot of driving. =/

It wouldn't really be till almost a year or so later when I would start driving on the freeway(which should be a journal entry by then)where there was a tournament in Ohio that everyone bailed on. So still wanting to go, I said fuck it and decided that will be my time to get used to the freeway. Sorta a weird way to start it. Going from nothing to a 3-4 hour drive period maybe but its what I did... err... well actually as the story goes it was quiet a bit longer then that as I got lost on the way home, and it actually took me 6 hours or so to finally get back.... -______-

Back to "AF" stuff how could I forget "AF" maybe have been the one that poisoned me. Its very well possible that he was the one that introduced me to the horrible and corrupt world of hentai/doujins all that shit. And of course he is also the one that showed me True Love 95' which to this day is probably still is one of my best memories of games period. Again I go by that sorta thought a lot though. A game doesnt have to be the best, or a song doesn't have to be the best but I can think of what I was playing, or listening to, and it helps me pick out different points of my life, and where I was at.

Some other stories I remember from around this time period(again not all good mind you)

-"BK" died. Me and "BK", were not good friends mind you, we probably walked that line between acquaintances and friends I guess. I think we may have gotten stoned together a couple times, and we had a some classes together. Nothing big ya know... I don't remember a lot of stories about him per say actually but strangely around the time he died I had a dream about him. Again just random, as I have dreams about  a lot of people, but it doesn't have to be about them per say.. anyway continuing. So strangely enough I came into work and I heard that news that he had gotten drunk and apparently was killed. It was probably a year and a  half or so since I had dropped out. So it was sorta strange. Again another story of someone I use to know from HS thats life had not taken a good turn. I remember "SW" was the one who actually told me. She told me when the funeral was and that she was going. Although strangely she said she didn't actually know him but it was for support of the community.

I ended up not going. Im not sure what my excuse was, other then that again we were only sorta on that line between acquaintances and friends... I feel if I woulda went its almost fake. I hadn't seen the dude in a year and a half probably. Maybe even longer, again im fuzzy on dates. Yet "SW" was going. Again a strange thing to remember. But its what I do.

-A kid during lunch my last year was paid $25 dollars to eat a jar of mayo. I remember it gathered a huge crowd at lunch, that the principal had to break up cuz I guess the school thought a fight was going on or something? I think the kid that was eating the mayo even ended up getting in trouble for like causing a commotion. Again just a strange thing that I remember...

-Skateboarding home one day around 1am whatever it was, a cop pulled me over on the speed trap around the train tracks. He said I was lucky and that usually he just breaks skaters boards but he would let me go. I think the next time I went to Matts his sister drove over my skateboard. She told me she would buy me a new one. But she never did. lol She also told me she was going to make me some hemp necklaces but she never did that either. lol Oh well...

-Eating a lot while being stoned. Probably not super interesting, but funny just because of the sick stuff. I use to be able to eat A LOT. I always had a pretty good metabolism or something. I think the most I ever ate was one day got stoned went to Mcdonalds with some friends and I got three chicken sandwich, 3 super size fries, and like 2 super size drinks? lol I remember we started watching Greece 2 for some reason, and I think I eventually started mumbling some shit and being like "this movie is some greasy shit dude. Get it?" They were like "yea... lol.." And then I passed out  lol.

But of course after I woke up from my nap I was totally fine and still went on to eat.

Hell going back to the how I use to walk around go into town for the day, all my meals consisted of fast food all day long, meal after meal. And I was never more then 160 pounds TOPs.

Shit I think it was probably 2 years or so after I got sick that I started eating less. As I even remember when I first got sick those first couple years I could still eat a full pizza hut pizza, and bread sticks. Now a days of course I take medicine to digest my own food, and eat twice a day.. crazy.. ..

Back to Blasters stuff I guess. Not long after MVC2 came out I think Blasters started on its road to failure. They had said they were NOT going to get CVS1. Which kinda killed it. You could still go there for MVC2 but by that point they also had put the machine on damage 4 or something to get more money. Ill I know is Juggernaut bug became a legitimate tactic. They did get SC2 which delayed the inevitable maybe for awhile. But for me personally SC2 I NEVER got a console version of the game cuz it wasn't a big deal to me, and only played in a tournament or well there at Blasters. It didn't help that Matt had finally found a game he was better then me at. And he started shit talking about it, which made it not fun since it was like.. "dude, you realize im playing this casually right?" And eventually I finally stopped playing it period, and thus stopped going to Blasters.

I think you can probably count on your hand how many times I went after that. They did eventually get CVS1 but I think it was 3 quarters and it was WHEN CVS2 was out. Yea not a smooth move. One of the last times I went that I even recall was when the AA guys came over and we had the "AA CHAMPIONSHIP" and I drove them to Blasters for a half hour or something while they complained that I drove to fast or something....

It probably didn't help but I think the one or 2 hot girls that worked there left too. Not that I would have done anything of course mind you but meh.....

Apparently Travis and Leslie use to go back to his apartment right next to Blasters sometimes and would get a little.. hot and steamy with each other on her breaks as well.. I always thought that was a pretty fun story. I think most the gamer guys use to seem like they wanted to her, so it was always kinda cute to think about 2 of them hooking up somehow.. I never asked if it was true or not.. but meh.. again just a story ive heard.


(Im just gonna copy and paste a bit of this from the KROGER DAYS and then add after the general idea)

So yea... Eventually CVS1 came out.  And again we played it, and randomly Matt had heard there was a tournament for the game. I had heard of tournaments before, but as silly as it sounds, I assumed "regular" people were not allowed to enter them. Well Matt said that wasn't the case. And short story shorter I basically pretty much easily beat everyone there besides the guy that was the Michigan "Champ" to say at the time. And I ended up getting second place. I wasn't aware that ratio 1s were as good as they were that sorta thing. Anyway they told me about a tournament called MWC in Chicago in just a few weeks, and we should go...

Well there isn't much to say really... As I don't want to go off track to much. But I guess a few tidbits...

-The hotel we were originally going to stay at someone how fucked up our rooms and overbooked or something so we had to get a new hotel. I remember the girls at the front desk being disappointed or something while looking at me saying "too bad"... or something like that lol...

-Anyway yea got to the tourney, all was going well.... I basically was beating everyone that was considered good supposedly but Valle he was the only person that beat me in casual. But as it went on,(as of course tournaments never start on time)I started getting sick.... Really sick. Like I basically got stuck around the Daytona USA machine in the fetal position between matchs. I also remember after this some of the MI guys would post that I was a cry baby or something cuz I lost, and even randomly posted shit about me online that I randomly found. Which of course also contributes to the fact I never have totally gotten along with the "community"....

-So yea I was fucked up, and eventually got to the point where I couldn't really walk. And I ended up missing a week of work. By the time I finally got a doctors appointment, I guess they said I must have had kidney stones or something.


Anyway going back to clarify some other stuff a bit more, this was also the tourney where I original met AJ and Bhaskar. Well I may have met Bhaskar once before then but its in general where I met a large group of the MI gaming scene. Again im going to try to and resist for now on the temptation of writing a story for the people I still see as since I still see them. It feels strange to write about them. And again the usual I the people that read this journal perhaps already know in general what I thought of them when I first met them lol.

Matt ended up getting 5th or 4th? Or something at the tourney. All I know is he lost to Massu as he had a brain fart or something and refused to combo Massu after something that sorta stuff.

I remember it being a nice feeling although slighting disappointing experience. I remember I was still wearing my stoner top hat that I use to wear, and probably just looked some random kid out of nowhere just beating all these big black dudes.

On a funny note, its strange I still can see myself walking through the door when I got home and I told my mom and my brother that I had gotten second and made some money. Its weird... its like... I always new I was good. But I didn't have a lot of people to proove it again. But at that moment It was like, "yea this is good" or something? lol The only bad part about the day I remember per say is when I tried to play that SEGA TOP SKATER and I wanted to get all the high scores on the machine of just my name, but I think I was pretty tired from work or something and I fucked up that "bug" or flawed thing, cuz I missed the mash every time I hit the rail. =/ Oh well... Moving on...

After the horribleness of went down at MWC there was a tourney RIGHT before CVS2 also came out at Wizzards which to my recollection would be the first time I had been there.

Instantly I felt it was a place I would never go alone. It was extremely ghetto and unsafe looking.

Matts dad had driven us there and he had agreed to come back later that night. I ended up entering GGX and CVS1.

Well not 2 hours probably after we got there Matts dad returned looking flustered asking if we were done yet. "no" we told him. This would go on for the rest of the day.

For the GGX tournament I ended up getting 5th or something, which is of course ridiculous. All I can say is it was my first time ever playing the game on arcade and Wizzards had this extremely ghetto lay out like the buttons were all over the place(not that im a fan of the arcade lay out for GG anyway but..). In CVS1 I got the same and was extremely disappointment. Not a good "second" tournament. Obviously I didn't count MWC as I was fucked up, but I really wanted to get back at these MI fucks who had already talked shit about me after I had basically raped everyone's shit besides Dre(the MI champ at the time).. But when I turned around the only persons face I saw was Matts dad, once again asking us "Does this mean we can leave now guys!?"

.... "Yes..."

So yea, after a horrible day of being verbally raped by Matts dad the whole tournament we walked out of Wizzards and we saw 2 other people. Matt was like...

"Dad... wheres your car?"
Matts dad: "don't worry about that lets go."

A VERY awkward ride home. We got back to Matts place and I think I stayed for a half hour or so and then maybe I even just walked the 2 and a half miles back home sulking(as at that time Matt and his dad lived in a apartment together),

Later on the story would come out that apparently Matts dad had tried to pick up a hooker and then cops took his car. So he had to call some friends then to pick us all up. =/

Again if you think I ever had luck on my side in anything you'd be mistaken....


Just a couple random stories I remember about this place...

-Again until I started going to tournaments I didn't go there but maybe once or twice. I remember being shocked when I saw it had a game called SFA3 as again I had actually assumed SF died with A2. I knew there was a SF3. But I had no idea there was a SFA3. I remember playing the game for the first time and thinking,  "(I wonder what this is like?)" kinda thing.. Like it must be cool, it has this weird kinda techno almost beat going on. And I was like "(I wonder if ryu has his shin shoryuken in this game as well)" guess ill have to save up for a level 3 or something...

And then I saw it.. I STARTED the match with a level 3. "(WTF IS THIS BS)" I thought to myself... "(why the fuck am I being rewarded when I haven't done anything.. is this even a real SF game?")

I said fuck it and tried to ignore the strangeness of it. I figured Ryu still must have his super fireball, so I decided to do a motion with kick. And then I did it, ... err.. well I did some elbow thing..

I think It was one of those.. you sorta take your hand off the controller but you just spent money so you sorta are still playing but....

Yea. I was done. I remember trying to get another level 3 but then giving up and forgetting about the game.

-Some Asian guy that played CVS1 and jumped straight up and down the whole match. He seemed pretty decent. I remember people saying he was really good, but when ever I played him I beat him. And it was some regular or Bhaskar was like "your the first person that ive ever seen beat him.. " while giving me some wide eyed look. I was like "wait.. REALLY!!!?? Does that mean im gonna win the tournament then probably?" He was like "oh well.. he doesn't enter tournaments"

I was like ".... o...." lol Of course I went on to get second but yea....

-Some guy that use to turn the speed to normal in MVC2. Lets just leave it at that..

-One day while there chilling the Saginaw guys visited and then me and Tojo started doing this gay thing, and he started sitting on my lap, since well I guess its pretty easy to let your inner gayness out on me. While this was going on some guys started looking at me. While he eventually came over and we all started talking. One of the guys started saying how good looking I was but I assured him I wasn't gay. He looked disappointed but somehow we got to the discussion of "the gay hand shake." I dunno if its real or not, but he taught me how to do it, and he says it works... You know it very well could be this Nate was there during this time, and this is why he thought I was gay. But who knows... anyway a fun story that I still remember..

-You had to ask for a key to go to the bathroom because apparently bums use to go to the bathroom and go to sleep there. lol

-One day a big group of us burabura'd about AA afterwords. And we finally decided that we would go to this pizza place. Well right as we were walking in a guy came out and almost threw up all over Dre. He just started puking all over the place. lol

-Another day while again out and about late one night there was this bum. And man he looked bad, he was begging people for money to know avail, well I guess im a easy mark cuz not only did I give him a bum dollar, I gave him like a $5 or a $10 or something. Well holy crap he was happy. Like he started taking off his shirt, and he was like "OMG Thank you so much... look at my pacemaker I can't pay for it, but I didn't want to die so.." all that kinda crap. And he started hugging me and stuff, and Bhaskar was like "what the fuck have you done! get away from me!  Don't start hugging bums next to me when your in front of a restaurant people could see me!" lol  And he walked away really fast. lol Oh well....

Im gonna stop there for now... again I still haven't even gone through the Kroger stuff originally to start proof reading it and clean up...

ann arbor pinball petes stoner kroger bl

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