Right, the challenge is closed now so it's time to post up what the random generator has put for drabbles I'm writing :3 I can already tell some of these are going to be hard XD
1) 22/12 L.A/Apple (Nino)
2) 36/31 Flowers/Seasons (Jun/Aiba)
3) 26/17 Hands/Roses (Ohno/Sho)
4) 14/7 Orange/Angels+Demons (Sho)
5) 8/21 Margarita/New York (Aiba/Ohno)
6) 35/27 Pet/Wind (Jun/Ohno)
7) 13/4 Grape/Black suit (Jun/Sho)
8) 10/11 Evil plan/Strawberry (Jun/Ohno)
9) 33/23 Festival/Italy (Nino/Jun)
10) 32/30 Cry/tears/Fireworks (Nino/Aiba)
11) 6/28 Yukata/Tongue-tied (Ohno/Sho)
12) 16/19 Violin/Disappear (Ohno/Nino)
13) 20/24 Piano/India (Jun/Sho)
14) 25/1 Africa/Cafe (Aiba/Jun)
15) 5/39 Miracle/Scene (Aiba/Nino)
16) 18/29 Wind/Fail (Aiba/Sho)
17) 40/37 Design/Light (Ohno/Aiba)
18) 3/2 Dance/Fail (Ohno/Nino)
19) 9/34 Teddy bear/Revenge (Nino/Jun)
20) 15/38 Banana/Nurse (Aiba/Jun)
I will admit that I swapped two around (I'm sorry they just seemed too hard even if it was a challenge) unless someone can come up for something that fits - pet/grape (Jun) and/or would actually like to see this drabble then I'll have a go at it XD
Mich x