(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 20:10

Well I did some surveys.

Bleh. Wasted so much time.

Sorry if some shit repeats. They were two different surveys.

There's a big space between the two.

Hope you enjoy wasting your life looking at them!


When's your birthday?: April 3rd, 1992

What day do you wish was your birthday?: idc

So how old are you? 12

Do you like being that age? Not really.

If not, what age would you rather be; if yes, then why?: Well, I’m really looking forward to my 13th, which is quite soon.

What's your school like?: Overcrowded, loud, weird.

Do you even like your school?: not really. I dunno.

Do you have a job or are you too lazy?: I'm too young.

If yes, tell me about your job; if no, why not?: ...

Describe to me your personality: How am I suppose to describe that?

What do you do when you're bored?: go online, call people.

Well what do you do when the electricity goes out and you can't rely on electronics to keep you occupied?: read, light some candles and make stupid show puppets, just cause it’s fun.

Are you into sports, more of the "fine arts," or a mix of both?: more fine arts. I’m SO DAMN MUSICAL!

Are you a people person?:  sometimes.

What do you want to be when you grow up?: idk yet

What is, in your opinion, the easiest job in the world?: Uhm….Telemarketer. I mean, you get to sit there in a chair and annoy random people you don’t even know. It’s like getting paid to make prank phone calls.

Are you responsible?: I would hipe so.

Which is better (or more tolerable)

Cats or dogs as pets?: Dogs. Cat’s are… weird.

Digital watch or regular?: digital

Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi.

Hot tub or sauna?:  hot tub

Freshly caught fish or cheap frozen fish sticks?:  If I had to? Fish sticks. I just don’t like fish.

Boring teacher or mean teacher?: boring

Gum stuck in your hair or curling brush stuck in your hair?: brush

Paper cut on your tongue or dirt in your eyes?: dirt in eyes.

Carpet or hardwood floors?:  wood

Candles or room spray?: candles

Smoothie or milkshake?:  smoothie

Monopoly or Candy Land?:  CANDYLAND!!!

Crying by yourself or having someone to cry with you?: W/ someone. I guess. I mean I don’t WANNA see other’s cry, but crying by yourself is sad.

Baby screaming or fingernails scratching chalkboard?:  baby screaming

Chicken or beef?:  beef

Talking on the phone or instant messaging?:  Depends what your saying.

Mini blinds or shades/curtains?: idc

The Lion King or The Little Mermaid?: Lion King!

Watching the rain or being in the rain?:  being in it

Soft pillow or firm pillow?: soft

Whoo, whoo, all about LOVE and Relationships

Okay, first obvious question, are you single or taken?: taken!

If taken, take a moment to brag all about your significant other: eee ohmygod I love him to death because he is the sweetest, nicest, bestestest boy ever. And of course he’s hot. And he stands up for me. And I <3 him.

What do you look for in a relationship?:  Huumm.. someone who will take a stand for me, cares and respects me. Someone I won’t get tired of quickly, makes me laugh.

As far as looks go for the opposite sex, what makes you want to look twice (in a good way, lol) In other words, what’s your type, physically?:  Hum… I’ve never really thought: I think I tend to lean towards the “ ghettones” as I call them.

Of all the people youve dated, who was the one you fell for the hardest?: Bleh. Joey I guess.

Of all the people you’ve dated, who was the one that you definitely could’ve done without?:  Seth. Ugh.

What was the longest relationship you’ve been in? 6 ½ months.

Tell me about your first kiss: Well, it wasn’t WONDERFUL… It was April 5th, 2003 I think… and I was leaving and my boyfriend sorta just leaned in, so I assumed that was were a kiss should be placed?

Are you all for or against public displays of affection?:  For, as long as your not like FONDELING each other.

Which is most important to you in a relationship: so many… top: respect, trust, honesty

If you really like someone, are you more likely to eventually ask them out or forever hold your peace?: normally, if they take too long to relieze, I’ll just ask them out.

Whats the best place for a first date?:  idk

Would you prefer more romance or fun in a relationship?: both.

Have you ever told someone you loved them?: yes i have

If yes, did you mean it?: Maybe to one guy.

Has someone ever told you that they loved you?:  yes

If yes, what was your initial reaction and did you say it back?: Well…I’ve been told by quite a few people, by some I said I love you too, and one pther one, I said… uhm, I know. WELL I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Does "true love wait"? (What is your opinion on premarital sex?): I really don’t even know.

Have you ever been asked out and had to turn them down?:  yeah

If yes, what did you say; if no, have you yourself ever been turned down?: Well, I said I don’t think were right for each other, and for some others I said some other stuff.. It’s happened more then once.

Do believe that theres that perfect someone out there for you?: I guess so.

Ever had your heart broken? Yeah…

Ever broken someone elses? I think so..I hope not.
Would you rather date a bunch of people all throughout high school and settle down when you get older or meet "the one" while you’re still young? Well, I tend to like longer relationships, not just quick shit. I mean, yeah I’m still in middle school, but it’s just how I like it.

What do like most about the opposite sex?: when they call you beautiful

What do you dislike most about the opposite sex?:  Being nice to you by yourselves then being assholes around their friends; being two faced.

Would you rather have to break up with someone or be broken up with?: be broken up with

Is a serious commitment in a high school relationship a bad idea?:  no.

Have I asked enough questions on this subject?:  yes you have.

Friends . . . .

Who was your elementary best friend?: Kayhla I guess.

Would you rather have a few really close friends or a big group of casual acquaintance type friends?:  few really close friends

I'm just curious . . .

Do you find blonde jokes offensive, hilarious, or just stupid?: stupid.

What do you like to watch on tv, if you watch tv? I dunno..

Do you have any plants in your house?:  yeah

Ever had a pet fish?:  yeah

Were you a cute little kid or an annoying little kid?:  Up til I was like.. 7 I was adorable.

Are marshmallows good anytime or strictly a campfire treat?:  anytime

How many magazines are you subscribed to?: none.

When is the last time you went to the dentist?:  not too long ago.

Did you have any cavities?:  nope

Do you have a song stuck in your head right now? Yes! How Could You?- Mario

What is your favorite variety of microwave popcorn? I dunno..

What is your favorite variety and color of MM’s? Plain; don’t care bout the color.

Are you allergic to any foods? Apricots?

What’s your favorite comic strip? Idk

Is the squeeze out of a bottle jelly an amazing development or a waste of time? Ooh I think it’s fun.

What’s your favorite Jelly Belly flavor? i despise jellybeans

Do you believe in God? Yeah

The Future . . . (dramatic "oohs" and "ahhs")

Do you have it all planned out or are you just going to take life in stride as it comes?: I don’t have to plan the future right now.

When do you get out of school? 2010 I think.

Excited? for college..? Too far away..

What are you going to do this summer? Go to Cali baby.

What grade are you going into? 8th

Are you going to move away as soon as you’re out of school or stay where you are? I’m not sure.

So do you know what college you;re going to, or if you’re even going to college? No..and yes I’m going to college.

If you are, what do you think your major will be? no clue yet.

Do you plan on getting married, provided that you meet the right person? yes

If so, do you want kids? If yes, how many? yeah.. 2- 4.


*Describe Your*

Favorite Shirt: Just a beater
Favorite food: dunno
Purse: dunno either
Hairbrush: silver and black.
Your computer desktop: something I made..it’s the lyrics to a song in a really cool font.
Favorite movie: Moulin Rouge<33333
Socks: They are black/white/pink toe socks with a little skull wearing a bow. Awesomness.

Favorite shorts/pants: Hum…

Feeling: tired, waiting for Julian to get online.
Scent: nothing.
Most memorable moment: too many, cant name just one
Day: School.

Nail Polish Color: metallic purple
Favorite Book: A Wrinkle in Time
Favorite Month: July?
Love life: happy
Favorite Hobby: computaring.
Favorite Word: poke! Or crunchy.
Favorite Athlete: I dunno.
Underwear: hum.. why should I tell you? ::shifty eyes::

Dream Vacation: Not sure..
First Award: Don’t remember
First Kiss: um...w/ joey; April 2003
Favorite Song: no fave.
Favorite TV Show: dunno
First time being dumped: Joey; July 26th, 2003
First time dumping somebody: Xavier, March 2004.
Shoes: None.
Wallet: none
Toothbrush: Mine is weird.
Teachers: evil.
Friends: awesome.

Classes: retarded, boring, among other things.
Hair Style: down.


- - » sCho0l « - -

your favorite class - Dunno.
locker number - 49
favorite teacher - Deh.. my gym teacher.
least favorite teacher - Goldsmith or DeLucia.
who sits at your lunch table - Alexa, Deshawn, Sarah, Amanda, Karly, Alexa2, Danielle, sometimes Nick, a few others.
do you like your principal - No, he’s too loud. And tall.
do you like the locker rooms - who cares?
how about the bathrooms - The ones in the portables are fine.
cafeteria- It’s bright green..

- - » VaCaTiion « - -

favorite place you ever vacationed to: Florida or Rhode Island.
least favorite- Boston..
most exotic place - Puerto Rico?
funnest place - Florida
have you ever been on an airplane - lotsa times.
have you ever been on a car ride for more than 6 hours - I don’t think so
farthest place you've been to - Florida

- - » fAmiLy « - -

favorite family member- none, I love em all.
divorced parents or married parents - married (about 30 years now)
mothers name - Merryl
fathers name - Tony
grandma's name - Elaine
grandpas name - Bob(or Robert)
do you have any secrets about your family - not that I believe…

- - » lOvE « - -

do you have a boyfriend - Yes I do.
do you have a crush - I don’t think it would be classified as a crush anymore?
have you ever been on a stalker love status- Well not me. But  I did have sort of a stalker once.
do you believe in soulmates - sure
do you believe in love at first site - no
do you need to be married before you have sex -I dunno.

- - » fRiEnDsz « - -

your best friend - Quite a few. But the one who was ALWAYS there; Sarah E.
do you and your friends fight alot -most of em
nicest - none of ya'll...nah, jp
there for you always - Sarah
you talk to most on the phone - Julian or Ally
prettiest- Julian!
best teeth - Ally

- - » tElEviSioN and MoViEs « - -

about how many hours a day do you watch tv- I dunno..
what is your favorite tv show - Huu
favorite actor - Bleh.
have you ever met a famous actor / actress - erm...no
favorite movie - Moulin Rouge.
favorite movie theatre to go to - Dunno.
last movie you saw in theatre - Fat Albert
last movie you rented - Moulin Rouge, yes I’ve seen it like 43957229445 times.

- - » pErSonAl ThiNgS « - -

have you ever cut yourself - uhm
have you ever tried to commit suicide - no
do you have a secret you never told anybody - Yeah, who doesn’t?
have you ever tried to kill someone - no!
do you like your life - I guess so
do you like yourself - EEEE <333self.
do other people like you - yes
do you think your pretty - I’ve been told. But Idunno if I am.

- - » mUsiiC « - -

favorite song - don't have one

favorite singer/band - Deadstar Assembly; Three Days Grace
favorite album - Dunno
favorite music video - dunno again

- - » FaShii0N « - -
do you wear makeup often - yar
do you care alot about how you look - sometimes
are you overly self concious - not really. At times.
your favorite place to shop - bleh. I dunno.
favorite makeup store - ..just wherever
how do you usually wear your hair - striaght, down.
whats your signature outfit - t-shirt and jeans, jacket.

- - » sTuFf « - -
have you ever smoked - nah
have you ever done drugs - nope
drank alchohol - a little.
had sex - no.
kissed someone - yeah
kissed a member of the same sex - nope
felt guilty about somethin sexual you did - yar..
ever flashed a member of the opposite sex - I don’t think so.

- - » vErY RanD0m « - -

do you believe in aliens - no,but I know a few people who come close.
if you were a dog what would your name be - Francheco.
if you were a tree what would you be - palm tree
do you believe in god - yeah
do you believe in heaven or hell - sure
if you were a food what would you be - I dunno!
if you had to pick somewhere to take a trip to , where would it be - Blehp. AUSSI!
if you were a flower you would be a - a dandelion. they're cool. Even though it’s a weed.
if you had to play a role in a movie or show you would play - Dunno
if you were in the music business you would sing what type of music - Like.. hum. R&B, cause my voice is good for that type of stuff.


I seriously wasted like 45 mintues of my life doing this…

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