[ B a s i c ]
Name: Gabriëlle Gaviño
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Astro Sign: Isn't that the same is Zodiac.. o_0
Nationality: 50% dutch 50% spanish
Foreign Languages? Dutch, I'm learning german, french and spanish.
Hobbies:Drawing, dancing, gaming, listening to music, going out with friends, day dreaming, writing,
Talents: I can make people to laugh when they're sad,
Aspirations:Just being happy is all I need and want
[ F u r t h e r I n ]
Which magic or weapon and why:A sword, I don't know why.
Strengths:Passionate, caring,
Weaknesses:Act before I think out of emotion.
Likes:Anime, manga, RPG, Music, Movies, romance and cuddling XD, Vacation =D
Dislikes:Bitches, people who judge me, and people who have TOO much energy who just bounce all the time they work one my nerves x_x
What color do you assosciate with yourself and why:IdontknowX_X Blue or white, because they're calm colors yet energetic and happy.
What animal do you assosciate with yourself and why:Uhm.. a cheeta or something. I dont really know, sorry there..
Bad habits:look at "weakness"
Describe yourself in 5 words:Err..I'm not good at this. changing, wandering, daydreamer, thoughtfull, nice
[ F a v o r i t e s & W h y ]
Animal: Dogs and monkeys
Color: White,blue, red and black
Season: Summer, [ I love all seasons though, they all have their own special features ]
Instrument: Guitar
Music: Gackt, Ayumi hamasaki, Lead, w-inds, Sean paul,
Element: Water, or air/wind
[ E i t h e r O r & W h y ]
Nature or city: I'd say nature, but I would need some materials and some people around me
Lead or follow: I'd say lead
Dark or light: both
Night or day: Night, cause its calm romantic But I like the day too when its really sunny. I can't choose I would say when its turning night but not yet night, like when the sky is deep orange. I love that =D
Shy or outgoing:I'm more outgoing that shy
Optimistic or pessimistic:Optimistic
Mature or immature:Thats a hard one for me, I can be both. Inbetween ones again.
Impulsive or cautious:Maybe impulsive, but cautious too. Though more impulsive.
[ A b o u t F F X ]
Favorite Aeon and why:Shiva, why? she looks awesome and I like her element.
Favorite Character and why:Tidus, because I like his character there are a lot who dont though. I like Wakka too.
Favorite Place in game and why:Macalania woods because it looks beautifull, and old Zanarkand because it looks alive and outgoing
Favorite Race and why:Al bhed I guess
Favorite Quote and why:"I wanted someone - anyone - beside me, so I didn't have to feel alone anymore." - Tidus, when he is in the ruins.
Least favorite Aeon and why:Bahamut because his overdrive count
Least favorite Character and why:Rikku, but only in FFX I do like her in FF-X2 anywho I don't like Seymour either he looks femmy he has scary hands and I HATE his voice.
Least favorite Place and why:Mi'hen highroad
Least favorite Race and why:GUADO~!
Least favorite Quote and why: Everything Seymour says
Who do you relate with and why:I have no clue.
[ M i s c ]
Are there any other suggestions of questions/anything for us to add to this survey/community to make it better? If so, share!: I don't know, I like the layout ^^;;
[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Please include 2 or 3 (Or more!) pictures of yourself. Try to skimp on the photo editing, please. Offensive/adult content will result in being removed permanently from finalxrating.:I don't have pics x_x oh well. I have brown hair brown eyes, black eyebrows thats it XD.