[ B a s i c ]
Name: Ian
Age: 18
Gender: M
Zodiac Sign: Fire Rabbit
Astro Sign: Libra
Nationality: US Citizen; descended from British, Scottish, Irish and Native American
Foreign Languages? Spanish, Japanese
Hobbies: Cosplay, reading, writing, singing, drawing
Talents: Sewing, singing
Aspirations: To be a singer, to own a boutique
[ F u r t h e r I n ]
Which magic or weapon and why: Nails and holy magic. Scratching just seems like the right kind of attack for me. And I kinda enjoy the thought of smiting my enemies with holy magic.
Strengths: Friendly, accepting, generous, loving, kind, compassionate, helpful, polite, sophisticated.
Weaknesses: Cold, calculating, antisocial, holds a grudge (even though you'll never notice), scapegoating problems, elitist, arrogant, used to getting what I want.
Likes: Reading, art, music, subtitles, yaoi, blonde guys, green tea ice cream, glam rock, Lance Bass, Betty Boop, Miss Piggy, RPS, doujinshi, reading, cows, eBay, Carmen Sandiego.
Dislikes: Negativity, bigotry, insensitivity, corrupt organized religion or any heirarchy, mirrors, mess, people touching my stuff, unnecessary restrictions.
What color do you associate with yourself and why: Blues and white - very airy colors, I'm a dreamer like that.
What animal do you associate with yourself and why: Cat - I sleep, I scratch, I hiss, I'm a touchy feely/comfort kinda person
Bad habits: Lazy, forgetful, reacts badly to unexpected strange circumstances
Describe yourself in 5 words: Bohemian, blonde, kind, extremes, dreamer
[ F a v o r i t e s & W h y ]
Animal: Cow. Long story short I cosplay Hatsuharu from Fruits Basket and it kinda snowballed from there.
Color: Blues and blood red. I associate with blues and they can convey all sorts of emotions. Blood red is kind of a perfect color in my opinion, and so elusive.
Season: Fall - nice and cool
Instrument: Voice. The human voice is one of the most versatile instruments.
Music: (in no particular order) Pop, rock, alternative, post-industrial, Gothic, classical, choral, techno, trance, opera, ancient ethnic. I'm just eclectic like that.
Element: As in what...? Like magic element? Ice or holy. Dunno why.
[ E i t h e r O r & W h y ]
Nature or city: City. Creativity flows.
Lead or follow: Follow. Less work.
Dark or light: Light, unless I'm sleeping.
Night or day: Night, since there's not as much heat.
Shy or outgoing: Outgoing and unique.
Optimistic or pessimistic: I try to be pessimistic, so as not to be disappointed in things, but I almost always wind up being optimistic.
Mature or immature: Mature, to understand things better.
Impulsive or cautious: Depends on how much is at stake.
[ A b o u t F F X ]
Favorite Aeon and why: Anima - best back story. Or Shiva. She just kicked ass.
Favorite Character and why: Lulu. The dress. Although I do love Belgemine and Shelinda. And the Chocobo Knights. And Yunalesca. And Luzzu.
Favorite Place in game and why: Probably Besaid since it's so relaxed, peaceful and beautiful.
Favorite Race and why: Ronso maybe? The seem the most resourceful.
Favorite Quote and why: Almost anything out of Lulu's mouth really, but I do love her line to Tidus in Guadosalam when he says something about her and Wakka: "You don't want to finish that sentence."
Least favorite Aeon and why: Yojimbo. He was kinda pointless.
Least favorite Character and why: Kinoc. Slimy bastard.
Least favorite Place and why: Don't have one.
Least favorite Race and why: Don't have one.
Least favorite Quote and why: Don't have one.
Who do you relate with and why: All of the characters have something to relate to, really.
[ M i s c ]
Are there any other suggestions of questions/anything for us to add to this survey/community to make it better? If so, share!
[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Please include 2 or 3 (Or more!) pictures of yourself. Try to skimp on the photo editing, please. Offensive/adult content will result in being removed permanently from finalxrating.