Blitz Off!

May 18, 2006 21:07

[ B a s i c ]
Name: Brittany Marie
Age: Sixteen.
Gender: Female.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces, fish. (maybe why I like water/ice?)
Astro Sign: Pisces
Nationality: American?
Foreign Languages? I can speak a little espanol.
Hobbies: anime, manga, japanese culture, egyptian culture, The internet, photography, video games, DDR, I don't really do much. ^_^ reading.
Talents: I can put my foot behind my head. Hah.
Aspirations: Hmm. I don't really know. I'd just like to have more fun. Get into college. Get GOOD grades. Be better at DDR, hahah. I'd really like to have a good job when I'm older, and have a family. Awee. -_-;;

[ F u r t h e r I n ]
Which magic or weapon and why: I think I'd like to have sword, I feel they're more powerful.
Strengths: Standing up for what I think is right.
Weaknesses: Death, and losing things/people.
Likes: Video games, learning spanish, DDR, my friends, taking photos, developing them, and mmm food. ^_^
Dislikes: Mean people, and ignorant people.
What color do you assosciate with yourself and why: Yellow, because when I was little and my cousin played Power Rangers, and she made me be the yellow one. V_V
What animal do you assosciate with yourself and why: A dog, because I have a puppy and I love her.
Bad habits: Biting my nails.. being a bitch. being somewhat outspoken.
Describe yourself in 5 words: Loud, fun, interesting (I hope.), Cute (not trying to be concieded. -_-;;), and maybe a little annoying at times.

[ F a v o r i t e s & W h y ]
Animal: Koalas... They're cute! ..heh.
Color: Yellow, the same reason as above.
Season: Summer, because school is out, and it's not cold!
Instrument: Bass, I love what it does to music.
Music: I like any genre actually, just not country. Because I don't like hearing about losing your wife, kids, and your dog.
Element: Water, It's beautiful, and powerful.

[ E i t h e r O r & W h y ]
Nature or city: City, I hate bugs.
Lead or follow: Following, I'm not very good with directions.
Dark or light: Dark, if I know where I am, and it's not completely dark. I'm actually afraid of the dark.
Night or day: ..Too hard of a question.
Shy or outgoing: ...
Optimistic or pessimistic: Pesimistic. Just trust me on this one.
Mature or immature: I have my moments as both.
Impulsive or cautious: Cautious, I don't like recieving too much attention.

[ A b o u t F F X ]
Favorite Aeon and why: Shiva, water/ice es muy bonita.
Favorite Character and why: Rikku, because she's cute and spunky, and funn. and hawt. hah.
Favorite Place in game and why: Moonflow, because I think it's the prettiest.
Favorite Race and why:
Favorite Quote and why: "I keep my memories inside me." -Rikku. Because I to too.

Least favorite Aeon and why: Ifrit, he's one scary mofo.
Least favorite Character and why: Wakka, he's soo annoying.
Least favorite Place and why: ..I don't really know.
Least favorite Race and why:
Least favorite Quote and why:
Who do you relate with and why: Rikku.. she's young?.. and cute and upbeat.

[ M i s c ]
Are there any other suggestions of questions/anything for us to add to this survey/community to make it better? If so, share!
[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Please include 2 or 3 (Or more!) pictures of yourself. Try to skimp on the photo editing, please. Offensive/adult content will result in being removed permanently from finalxrating.

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