what the flying fuck, guys?!

Jul 22, 2005 14:02

neo froze me afuckingain!!! They said that i self froze myself... i was on the fricken boards, how could I have done that?! I thought the last one was crazy (incase no one read the last one, or i never posted the reason, they said that someone else was on my name) which is redonkulous cuz i never log off. well, I made one last username and I'm ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

katowns July 22 2005, 18:14:51 UTC
they sucksorz hardcore


x_xblindlovex_x July 22 2005, 19:01:26 UTC
If it says you self froze, you can get it back, just email Darcy@support.neopets.com, and say that you didn't do it, could you get it back etc.


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