The Fairy Tale that Ends with Dot-Dot-Dot, Part I

Nov 09, 2011 22:16

AN: So this is something I actually wrote in high school a few years ago in serial form. Other commitments took up my time and prevented me from finishing it, but there's a whole folder of unfinished stuff in my computer that I'd like to complete. This is, I suppose, as good as anywhere to start. Well, not really, but it does need to be finished. I've written four parts so far and will upload a new one every other day or so.
AN2: This actually exists elsewhere on the Internet, on my other site, but nowadays I use that one more for blogging than writing fiction.

Warning: This post contains material not suitable for younger audiences and ultra-conservatives.

Once upon a time, in a stereotypically happy little kingdom that nobody had ever heard of, there was a beautiful princess with the generic princess-y name of Christine. She had long black hair and a ridiculous wardrobe full of poofy monochromatic Disney dresses. However, one thing that didn't fit this storybook setting was that Christine was a rocker chick who played electric guitar three times a week in a band with similarly oriented princesses all bent on breaking the illusion that all princesses only sang sickeningly sweet soundtrack music. The band was called Dropout Girl and had just released a new single entitled 'Wlcm fr th Mmrs,' daring a band-that-shall-not-be-named to slap them with a lawsuit. Another twist to this tale is that Christine was a party-girl lesbian, having drinking binges and absinthe-induced orgies with her bandmates every other day. Other than these quirks, though, she was your average princess, flutey-but-perfect singing voice included.
Now like many fantasy castles, the castle Christine called home had many secret doors and hidden passages that for some reason were mostly unknown to the family that had called the place home for generations, but enough about that particular plot hole. This particular castle was said to have a ghost that haunted these passages. Some, though, said that he was a man; a mysterious being; more shadow than flesh. They said he made his home deep beneath the castle's wine cellars, walking the secret halls when he wanted to stretch his legs, though it was more likely that he used them to steal food from the extensive larder, or sneak into the baths and check out the ladies of the castle when they were stark naked. Some called him the Phantom. Others called him a shit-eating lunatic with antisocial personality disorder. Either way, nobody had ever seen him, though this could be attributed to most of the household being unable to refrain from getting blind drunk and falling asleep in the stupidest places. On a side note, this led to many deaths due to a certain idiotically placed balcony on one of the higher towers that lacked a railing, which sent many inebriated employees to their deaths. The only clue to the Phantom/ASD-sufferer's presence was the haunting sound of muffled footsteps that sounded in empty corridors late at night, though why anyone was up late enough to hear them is beyond me.

part 1, dot dot dot, fairy tale, parody, stupid

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