After coming home from work in the evening in Friday the 8th, Tino put away his hat and headed straight to the kitchen. it had been long and a rather tiresome day, and he really needed something to drink. Sighing deeply, he pulled out an empty Evian bottle from the cuboard and let the water flow into the sink, waiting for it to turn cold while he leaned to the counter and scratched his head thoughtfully. They had seen some... Pretty strange situations today. People intoxicated and hallucinating. Chief had said it was probably some new design drug everyone just had to try. Sad stuff. Tino knew he could appreciate some good alcohol himself, but he had always felt a bit iffy about other drugs.
Putting his bottle absently under the tap after testing the temperature with his finger, Tino let it fill and listened to the sound of the traffic outside. They were doing some mining work or something not far from their home, and for the last few weeks Berwald and Tino had been treated to the wonderful low "boom" sound coming from hilltops being blown apart every now and then. Now it was a bit late for them to do that though, but as Tino lifted his waterbottle to his lips, the brief thought slowly escaped his mind as the blessed ice cold water fell down his throat.
It really was delicious.
And ah, there they went again. Boom.
Joulukuu 19. 1939 - Vänrikki Väinämöisen loki (Blog via iPhone, April the 9th, 2011)
Tilanteeni ei ole muuttunut. Taistelut ovat jatkuneet jo päiviä, ja minä olen yksin, eroon joutuneena rykmentistäni. Puna-armeijan painostus on ollut jatkuvaa, toivoa taistelutoverien etsimään lähtemisestä ei ole.
Taas kuulen tulituksen, puna-armeija on raahannut kaikki raskaimmat tykistönsä tänne, epäilemättä setä aurinkoisen päähänpistosta.
Kadotin rykmenttini päiviä, kenties viikkoja sitten. Nyt seuranani on ollut vain metsä, taistelun äänet ja lokini. Ammuksia minulla ei ole, käytin viimeisenkin tulittaessani tukikohtaamme paetessani ulos ryssien rynnätessä sisään. Olen alentunut piileskelemään kaivannoissa, syöden juuria ja juoden vettä kenttäpullostani, jonka nappasin matkaani tukikohdasta jouduttuamme keskelle hyökkäyksestä. Kaiken muun menetin ryssille.
Toivottavasti pojat ovat kunnossa, minulla ei ole heidän olinpaikastaan mitään tietoa.
Olen nälkäinen, mutta selviän. Tunnen nämä metsät, kasvoin täällä. Olen sotilas ja minulla on tähän koulutus. Minä selviän kyllä. Maahan tekemäni peti on mukava ja osaan suojautua yön kylmältä.
Ja taas ne tulittavat.
December 19th, 1939 - Second Lieutnant Väinämöinen's log
My situation hasn't changed. The battles have been going on for days and I'm alone, having lost my regiment. The red army has been pressing on without easing one bit, there is no hope in trying to go and find my comrades.
Again I hear the firing, the reds have dragged all their heaviest artillery over here, no doubt by the request of old uncle Sunny.
I lost my regiment days, maybe weeks ago. Now I'm accompanied only by the forest, the sounds of the battles and my log. I'm all out of ammo, I used the last of what I had left firing at our stronghold while I escaped the Ruskies flooding in. I've demoted myself to hiding in pits, eating roots and drinking water from my water bottle, the only thing I had time to grab from the base as we wre thrown in the middle of an attack. Everything else I lost to the Ruskies.
I hope the guys are alright, I've got no clue about their whereabouts.
I'm hungry but I'll survive. I grew up in these woods, I know them. I'm a soldier and I have the proper training for this. I'll survive. The berth I made in the ground is comfortable and I know how to protect myself from the cold of the night.
And again they're firing.