LiVeS mOvE oN- pEoPlE wIll cHaNgE
sOuLs WiLL sHaTetEr- hEaRts'll bReAk
He'Ll fInD sOmEoNe mUcH bEtTEr tHAn u..
tHeIr lOvE wiLl eVeRLaSt- No MAtTeR wAt u Do
bEsT fRiEnDz wILl sWiTcH tHrOuGhOuT tHe
YeArs.. yOu nEeD sOmEbOdY to WIpE uR tEaRs
yOuLl lOsE sOmEtHiNg- tHaT u NoW nEeD
LiVe 4 tHe mOmEnt- iTz tHe oNlY tHiNg gUaRaNtEeD
yOu LoSt sOmE pPL- yOu LoVeD
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