Claim an entire TV show!
Any show, any channel, current or off-air is acceptable!
Examples: Big Bang Theory, Saturday Night Live, Seinfield
If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.
Please read the
rules before claiming.
Claim with a comment saying: [name of TV show]
30 Rock -
ashling_cArrested Development -
wawwhiteCommunity -
kaelakaelakaelaCSI: NY -
caitriona_3Dexter -
nicolle_016Doctor Who -
clautophobiaFriends -
silvertigerxGlee -
unseensorrowsGrey's Anatomy -
stharridanHorrible Histories -
ekhoesofsorceryHouse M.D. -
gring0ttsHow I Met Your Mother -
los_yorkLie to Me -
gring0ttsLexx -
peppermintspoonSpartacus: Blood and Sand -
scarletladyyStargate -
cartographyThe Office -
sweetthumbelinaThe Simpsons -
otterandterrierThe X-Files -
rvillarrubiaTop Chef -
rot_chan Use the following code on your profile or one from the
user info.
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