Towns & Cities

Apr 20, 2011 14:33

Claim a city or a town!

Examples: Chicago, Illinois; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Moscow, Russia.

If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.

Please read the rules before claiming.

Claim with a comment saying: [city]. [state/province/country]

Cardiff, Wales - luciusmistress
Charleston, South Carolina - salveevery1
Galway, Ireland - nicolle_016
London, United Kingdom - girlofavalon
Madrid, Spain - rvillarrubia
New York City, New York - kaelakaelakaela
Rome, Italy - cartography
Sacramento, California - wawwhite
San Antonio, Texas - caitriona_3
San Francisco, California - sweetthumbelina
Transylvania, Romania - peppermintspoon

Use the following code on your profile or one from the user info.
XXX is mine at

.claims 21-30, places: towns/cities

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