Agnes Nitt, Witch
Agnes is a witch, from the Discworld. In fact, she's more or less
Granny Weatherwax's apprentice, and came to Fandom in order to get the controlling know-it-all old bat out of her life, so expect her to be a little flustered next week. She's just recently stopped wearing the plain black dress and pointy witch's hat, and is still trying to figure out who she is.
She's very sweet, shy, and practical, although she's got a bitchy mean-girl voice in the back of her head. And she's very noticeably overweight.
Her particular specialty when it comes to witchery -- aside from the herbology she's learned because of the particular cottage she took over -- is her voice. She can throw it anywhere in a room, sing in harmony with herself, and do all sorts of other completely impossible vocal tricks.
Max, Lagomorph
Max is a cute child-like rabbity creature with violently homicidal tendencies and a very loose grip on sanity. He's the other half of
samnotmax, and together they commit fight crime. If you're not familiar with the Sam & Max adventure games -- specifically, the episodic ones created by TellTale Games after LucasArts dropped the franchise like an asshat -- you should be. Seriously. Major crack.
Basically, Sam and Max are Freelance Police -- sort of like detectives, really -- who go around solving mysteries in your typical "talk to everyone and steal anything that's not nailed down" adventure game style. With violence. Because seriously, when ISN'T shooting people the right answer?
Max in particular is mentioned in at least twelve different prophecies of the apocalypse. And is currently President of the United States.
Sokka, Awesome
Sokka's on his way out the door this weekend, but he's my first FH char and I love him to pieces, so nyah. He's from Avatar: The Last Airbender, where he's the only member of their little band of world-savers WITHOUT special magical elemental powers. Not that he feels inadequate about that. He's the show's comic relief, and has a giant-sized ego, and is AWESOME. He's Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy. That's his whole schtick, right there. And his main weapon is the BOOMERANG.
He's madly in love with Mel the Vampire Slayer, at least partly because she rolls her eyes at his jokes and can beat him up. Also partly because she's smoking hot LIKE A FOX.