- 14:10 oh I remember why I havent used Google Wave yet... #IfuckingrefusetogiveupontheOperabrowser #
- 15:29 omfg I swear to god this company is fucked, just terminated 6yr+/most senior PI in my department (the female, for those in the know) #
- 16:55 yeah that firing means I have to redo the schedule I worked on for an hour! FFS #
- 09:35 I know @applebite & I make jokes about sharing brains, but sharing illness too? Serious hard work breathing thru nose/swallowing. :( #
- 10:19 Wow it's beautiful outside! I wish I didn't feel like crap #
- 11:10 Hoping watching Lymelife on couch & showr will give me energy to walk Max #
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