JACKIE you left a message saying your number but all the messages got deleted so i had to go on livejournal to find you! i miss you so much. i'm in school now and work full time so it's busier than before. next time we both have a weekend off we need to get together. i have to go up to nh for the doctors soon and im going to drag you with me. i miss you so much. we understand each other completely and both get embarassed for no reason. i miss you :( sorry i never call and stuff. i left a message once on your phone. awhile ago. i just have a lot of bad memories associated with nh i guess, be it family, friends or whatever else. i'm doing well but miss you. i talk about you to everyone at school and work
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i was so excited to hear from you on friday. I think about you a lot at school because i think of how you would still be going here ( with mee) if you didnt graduate early. I miss you so mucccchhhh and i want to see you soon. i will call you tonight or tomorrow ( its tuesday) tell your kitten i said hii!
Comments 14
tell your kitten i said hii!
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