My memory is sievelike these days, so please to be poking me if I have somehow forgotten you.
I write you from Sunnydale, where we have settled, the five of us. Life has not been without adventure, but that suits us all well enough, though I must admit that true "modern" life is not without its more ordinary perils. Still, we are all together and we are happy, and that is more than enough.
I hope that camp continues to treat you kindly, and that you and Hisoka continue well. When camp releases you, I would like to hear of what has happened in my absence. You would all, I think, settle here as happily as we have.
My best wishes, my friend,
[enclosed is a modified messenger-bird ofuda, which folds itself into a crane; while active and animate, it brings good luck.]
I hope that the holiday season finds you well, my friend, and that camp has not been more stressful than its usual wont. Here in Sunnydale, it is comparatively peaceful as Christmas approaches, though we do not expect our good fortune to last. We have settled in well, and found a great deal of happiness here. Hopefully, the same will be true of you as well, once camp releases you.
I trust that you will make best use of the enclosed.
My best wishes,
[enclosed is a small sphere of what seems to be black glass; a skilled eye can see that it is, in fact, full of shadows. Though a shadowmaster will surely find enough use for it on its own, it can also be invoked to transport the bearer inside it for one hour per day; enough time to rest, relax, and escape one's troubles for a while.]
A happy birthday to you, and a Merry Christmas, as well. We have settled ourselves comfortably here; Youji and Natsuo ask after you now and then, and inform me that you are required to visit when you manage to leave.
I hope that camp continues to treat you kindly, and that you have prospered. The enclosed, I hope, will do as a combined gift.
My best wishes, my friend,
[enclosed is a small mirror which, when angled so that it reflects the text of a story or legend, will display images of that story or legend.]
I hope this letter finds you as well as we have found ourselves, having settled in Sunnydale. It has been something of an adjustment, but a more than worthwhile one, in my opinion. You and Tsuzuki would like it here, I think, and I hope you will come to make that determination for yourself. We all think of you fondly.
I trust that your education continues well, and hope that the enclosed is of some use to you.
My best wishes, my friend,
[enclosed is a small book, hand-written; another, more advanced, grimoire.]
I hope that camp has treated you kindly, since my departure. For myself, I have found a great deal of happiness; we have settled ourselves in Sunnydale, and made a place for ourselves here. It is a good life, despite the occasional monstrous interruption.
You are always welcome here, if circumstances allow.
My best wishes,
[there is no gift attached, but the paper is imprinted with the empathic sense of a hug.]
Kieran and Ash,
I trust that matters are going well for you both, as they are for us. The "modern" world is something of an adjustment, even after camp, but one well worth it. We have made a good place for ourselves here; you would call it unnecessary heroism, I suppose, but it suits us well enough.
I wish you good fortune in and out of camp; when it releases you, perhaps, we will meet again.
My best wishes,
[attached is another set of spell-spheres, as last year, and a single metallic sphere that, on inspection, is a containment field. When the single flaw is exploited, it open to reveal another containment spell which must be opened differently, and so on; each spell requires a different mindset and type of unbinding to open, and a careful observer could learn much from the attempts. Inside the last binding is a spell which will reweave them all again.]
I hope this letter finds you well, and that camp is treating you and Glinda kindly. I imagine that you are finding ways to entertain yourself no matter the circumstances.
Enclosed is something that I hope proves useful and entertaining; you will, one hopes, tell me in person someday.
My best wishes,
[enclosed is a cask of steel with no obvious lock; it will take a combination of magical and physical skills to open it. Inside is a cubic gate. One side, marked, is set to Sunnydale.]
I trust this letter finds you well, and hope that camp has treated you kindly. The native sorcery here is quite interesting; closer, I think, to your own than to mine. My notes are enclosed, and I hope that I will be able to hear your thoughts on the matter in the future.
My best wishes, my friend,
[enclosed are lab notes, on the magic of the Buffyverse and the ways Francescu has adapted his own magic to suit. They are complex, techical, and go on for many, many pages]
It is my hope that this letter finds you well, as I am well when I write it. I have found a home with the people I most care for, and I cannot ask for more; I hope that you are finding what happiness you may, in camp.
I will see you again, my friend, when camp allows you to leave. I have enclosed something which is a step on that path.
My best wishes,
[enclosed is a small silver statue of a falcon, with a loop below the talons suggesting that a roll of paper might be inserted. When this is done and a name given, the falcon will come to life and seek the indicated person out, returning with any reply.]