WeekendWeekendWeekend. Yay weekend.
Bad day is bad, though. The world needs more rainbows, and hugs, and chocolates, and puppies, and Walt, and then the people in it might be less irritating. ;_____;
And actually, this is yet another:
Comments with whatever you want to comment here. Being random
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Dust motes flies everywhere. No one has visited the back room for ages. Someone--might be Lena, might be Cross--said that the back room had all the treasure, rare books, first editions, and the like. But as far as Lavi can see... there's only trash back here.
He is about to slouch in his usual spot --a clean patch between a shelf and a suspicious looking barrel-- to sleep his shift off when the door opens. Frazzled Allen comes into view.
He briskly headed past the dusty, kind of rickety shelves; sharp musty smell attacked his nose as he did. The archive should be in the far corner of the room, but piles of boxes blocked his way, forcing him to seek for an alternative way. As he turned to the left, however, something red greeted his eyes.
Of course. Who else could that be?
"Slacking off again, Lavi?" he called out, smiling widely while walking towards said man in a slow, yet firm pace. "You've got a nice place to hide and make your co-worker do your job."
And that was not a compliment, of course.
He pats the spot beside him and winks. "Have a seat, I save one for you."
"While it is quite a tempting offer, I still have work to do," he curled one corner of his mouth upward, slipping a faint sigh out as his eyes started to observe the lines of books with a finger tracing them, walking slowly towards where it was Lavi sat, and stopped once something warm touched his other hand.
(lol ini kalimat apa kereta xD)
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