So me and two friends started to pick fun at some pairing names. And oh, how we love pairing names. Some are just destined to be atrocious, am I right? Well, we've made every possible Torchwood pairing possible and paired them off for you. Have a pairing without a name? Now you do. Proof that I've probably gone insane is below the cut.
Torchwood Super Pairing List )
Comments 24
What about Kathy Swanson? Tosh/Kathy - Tathy, Jack/Swanson - Janson...
And I think Jack/Ianto/Tosh has been Jantosh at some point. ^_^
Likewise Jack/Ianto/Owen to Jantowen.
Jack/Ianto/Ten has definitely been seen around as Janten...
*tries to think of more pairings* Eheh.
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