First person example
Why I Think Video Games Are Awesome
By Finn Hudson
In the under paragraphs, I’m going to tell you why I think video games are awesome. I feel like I have a lot to say on the matter because I’ve done years and years of research on the topic. For real, I’ve played like a mega ton of games. I’ve logged ten thousand hours on just Call of Duty and that’s not even the one I’m the best at. No one knows this but I’m like a year older than everyone else. I was held back in the eighth grade because I missed three semesters of school just sitting in my room playing Halo. I know playing a video game isn’t a good excuse for missing school or whatever but things got a little crazy. I was in a competition, and Chin Ho this kid from Korea was on my team and he wanted him and his whole family to come to America to move in with us so we could train and they got caught at customs with some plastic explosives or something. It was pretty intense.
But yeah, reason one why I think video games are awesome. You get to play them.
They’re like movies but you get to control what’s happening. Like say you’re playing this game about a spy who does top secret stuff, you get to do the top secret stuff. If the spy has to slit this guard’s throat because the dude is guarding a super secret spy file, you have to sneak up behind him with the joystick and then hold down B while tapping A to drag your knife across the guard’s neck and then blood starts spurting everywhere and it’s awesome! It’s totally up to you if your character grabs the file or instead starts humping the guard’s dead body. Don’t ask me about that by the way, it’s just something that happens in the gamer world.
Reason two why I think video games are awesome.
They’re better than real life.
Like way better than real life because there are so many different kinds of games and stuff. You can be so many new people. You can be a spy… or a ninja… or like a ninja spy! Something you can’t be in real life if you were in a wheelchair or something. Or if you’ve been really tall since middle school and you can’t fit behind anything and always lose when playing hide and sneak even though you said you didn’t want to play that stupid game in the first place. Not only can you be new people, but you go to all kinds of exciting places. You can go to Outer Space. I’m not making that up, you can go and you don’t need years of like space guy training and a suit or anything. You just have to follow a brief tutorial and bam, you’re ready to fight alien slime with really kick ass guns.
Uh, what else makes them cool…
They’re relaxing and stuff? Oh and you can play them with your friends! Games are super awesome to have at parties because anyone can play them. I’m not saying they’ll be good at them or anything because that’s not the case. I remember getting Quinn to play Guitar Hero with me when we first started going out and she just couldn’t get the hang of it. I tried to teach her but that didn’t work out. She just got mad at me and tried to beat me with the controller. Guitar Hero controllers are made out of some kind of evil indestructible, hard plastic. Let that be a warning to anyone reading this.
Video games help with hand eye coordination? I don’t know about that, it was something google told me. I’m actually getting pretty bored of writing this because I just remembered I can turn on my TV and like… play some video games. So I think I’m going to go do that. But yeah, thanks for anyone who read this and if you agree, cool! And if you don’t, well I guess that’s cool too or whatever. Everyone can have an opinion, right?
In conclusion, I find video games are awesome.
Thank you.
Edit: Artie just told me that you don’t have to write online journals in essay form like Brittany thought.
Oh well.
Third person example
Russet eyes were watching the smooth cracks and lines in the ceiling blur and focus; a constant back and forth with every inhale and exhale as he laid on his back, hands resting behind his head. Finn can’t sleep (nothing new, it’s a bad habit he‘s picked up in the last two months) so he’s been still and lost in thought for the last hour and some change except for the odd moments where his legs tighten with frustration and he kicks at sheets tangled near his ankles. He’s up for all the usual reasons; his thoughts refuse to quiet and slow-- and it’s way to God damn hot in his room but there's no relief readily available. His shirt was pulled away and tossed in the chair and the comforter had long been pushed away so there was no other option but to roast in his introspection, light sweat coating his forehead and down his neck.
He has a lot of questions that keep him up late at night even after he’s given his last Facebook status update (‘a random fact about monkeys‘) and finally manages to turn off his x-box.
He wondered about how he’s going to manage to pass his history test in a few days considering every time he tries to sit down and study, Puck practically appears out of thin air with what might or might not be his mom‘s credit card, and then they spend the next few hours eating pizza and while watching the pro wrestling event on the ppv channel.
He wondered how long in his football career before he sustains a permanent injury and what he’s going to do when he can’t play sports anymore. Maybe carpentry or something because he likes making stuff, though the last time he had a power saw in his hands, things didn’t go well.
Finn shook his head at the memory.
Give or take another five minutes before a feral noise emited in his throat and the quarterback swung his legs over the side of the bed, letting bare feet set down on plush carpet. He pulled on a pair of faded jeans, and then closes the distance between him and the discarded white tee shirt. After slipping it back over his head, he pushed out into the hallway which was a slight improvement from that oven that was his room but not by much. Finn figured it’s probably more him than his surroundings before letting the thought slip away from him without notice, moving towards the kitchen for what’s become a ritual midnight snack.
The thing he wonders about the most though, at least lately, is why he’s not able to sleep anymore. Puck and him, they led pretty carefree lives, up until this last year with all the drama. But like, he’s not dating anyone at the moment. He’s just got himself to worry about and there really should be no reason that he’s up every night at three in the morning in his kitchen, making pizza rolls. It was almost like an insomniac’s catch 22. He can’t go to sleep because he’s plagued by the fact that he can’t go to sleep. If he wasn’t thinking about how he couldn’t go to sleep, then he could go to sleep but that also means if he wasn’t thinking about how he couldn’t go to sleep, then he wouldn’t be up in the first place. Or something. Pretty easy to see why it keeps him up, it’s kind of really confusing.
Finn shook his head, pulling open the freezer and retrieving a box of pizza rolls from the top shelf. He made quick work of ripping the box open, tossing half a dozen on a plate and popping them into the microwave. After setting the timer, he moved to the kitchen table and took a seat-- leaning back and closing his eyes. He tried to take his mind off his sleeping problem by thinking about his day tomorrow. It was just a normal day, school and glee then hanging out with Artie. Though there was this girl in his second period that he was thinking about chatting up if the opportunity arose. She was new… from Florida or something. Wasn’t a singer.
When the timer goes off, he was quick to his feet and moving to the microwave-- grabbing the plate and heading back to the table. His left hand rose to rub at the knot in the back of his neck while his right one picks up a pizza roll and pops it into his mouth absently; thoughts of that new girl from Florida still clouding his brain. It took about three seconds to register how hot the little roll was and it took another second for him to spit it back out on the plate with a yelp, his tongue on fire. Very clumsily, he bounded over to the sink and pulled the facet handle up. He wasn’t sure how long he had his mouth under the stream of water but it must be a minute or so because all of a sudden he can hear his mom’s voice hitting the air behind him.
“Finn, what the hell are you doing?”
He froze.
“Uh,” Finn began, slowly moving his mouth away from the water, droplets dripping down his chin “Getting a drink?”