Title: Threatened
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
NUMB3RS Main List Follows:
Replacement Increasingly Creepy Scorched Unknown Territory and
Lead “Edgerton.”
“What the hell happened? I tried to call you five times.” Charlie rattled. “Where are you?”
“At the office.”
“Me too, what floor?”
“Basement. I had a little chat with Carson.”
“How far did you go?” Charlie asked carefully.
“Not as far as I wanted to go. He’s alive. Black and blue but alive.”
“Good. That’s good. I’m upstairs, Parker got a call from the local officials. They tried to call you and Don, but-”
“Did they find him?”
“Yeah, they’re taking him to the hospital.”
“How is he?”
“I don’t know yet. The PD found him in trunk of Carson’s car.” He took a long breath. “It was in line to be squashed to a little cube.”
“I’m going there. Where’s your brother?”
“At the junkyard, they are still talking with the locals, but they’ll come straight to the hospital when they’re done.” Charlie paused. “You need a ride?”
“I got a car.”
“No, I meant that you probably shouldn’t drive in that state of mind.”
“I’ve been in your car when you’re driving and I could drive better in my sleep.”
“Fine, I’ll take your ride. I’ll meet you at the garage
Ian marched to the reception desk and leaned over it. The young nurse on the other side looked more than little intimated.
“David Sinclair. Room?”
“A-a-a-re you a relative?”
“Which room?” He leaned closer and the girl took a step back. She typed the name to the computer.
“253, b-b-b-but they’re still treating him.”
Before she could finish, Ian marched down the hallway with Charlie in tow. When they found the right door, a man in white coat was coming out. He grabbed and lifted the man up against the wall.
“Is he okay?”
“Family?” The doctor asked carefully.
Man’s eyes went from Ian to Charlie and back again.
“You don’t look like family…..”
“You don’t look like you’ll have all your teeth for much longer.”
Charlie placed his hand on Ian’s shoulder and tried to pull him back.
“Let me handle this.”
Ian hesitated for a moment, but let go of the doctor.
“I think we started out on the wrong foot, doctor….” Charlie eyes the ID card on the guy’s white coat. “…. Weinstein. I’m doctor Eppes. How bout we talk about this like calmly like grown ups should? Or would you like me to unleashed him on you and just wait to see if there’s something left when he’s done?”
“Fine, fine. We’re keeping Mr. Sinclair overnight under observation. He’s had some muscle spasms as an after-effect of a taser gun, and he was kept under heave medication to keep him unconscious. He should be fine, but he’ll be confined to bed rest for few days.”
“So he’ll be released tomorrow?”
“Unless something unexpected happens.”
“Thank you.”
Ian’s patience finally gave up and he shoved the doctor aside, pulled the door open and walked in.
“I’m sorry about that.” Charlie grinned. “He’s usually a nice guy.”
“Is he from the FBI too?”
“Yeah, and trust me. He can be a real teddy bear when he wants to be.”
Doctor Weinstein gave him a sceptical glance. “What exactly does he do in the FBI?”
“He shoots people.”
“Chuck!” Don and Colby rushed down the corridor. “How is he?”
Charlie turned to look at the doctor, who looked like he was about to run. “Can I go now?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell them.”
Doctor made his exit as quickly as possible.
“He’ll be fine, but he’ll be in bed rest for few days.”
“What about that guy?” Don pointed to the direction where the doctor had gone.
“What about him?”
“He looked like he had seen a ghost.”
“No, Ian.”
“Is he in there?”
“Yeah. I think we better give them some time alone.”
“Is he David awake? We got Carson, but we need to talk to him as soon as he’s well enough.”
“I know. Come on, let’s go to the cafeteria. Go with me quietly and I’ll buy you a cup of blue Jello.”
“What about me?” Colby smirked.
“You too.”
“They can smooch later, we have to-” Don paused when he spotted a weird looks between Charlie and Colby.
“Col?” Charlie nodded to Colby. He grabbed Don’s hand, Colby took the other one and they started walking Don to the cafeteria. It took three cups of Jello to silence his protests.