Title: Revisited
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Notes: Contains several references to
Three Signs “Pretty Boy?” Morgan shut down his computer and got up from behind his desk. Reid didn’t even seem to listen. He was leaning back in his chair, his eyes firmly fixed on the top of his now empty desk.
“What are you thinking?”
“What?” Reid snapped back into the real world. “Did you say something?”
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”
“I know that face. Spill, baby.”
“Okay. I was thinking about twins. And phantom pains.”
“Did you know Mark had a twin brother?”
“Mark who?” Right after Morgan had asked the question, the answer dawned on him. “Your ex Mark?”
“Yeah. That thought just came out of nowhere and I can’t get it out of my mind. Do you think he felt the lost? Physically, I mean.”
“I don’t know. And I don’t wanna know. That creep harassed you, broke into your apartment and finally shot himself. If there’s another one like him, I don’t want to know. And I don’t want you to think about it either.”
“I know, but sometimes it just hits me.”
“What? That he’s dead?”
“That maybe I could have prevented it.”
“The guy killed himself. His choice, end of story.”
“When I told him we were over…. Why didn’t I see it? He was-”
“He was upset. People are usually upset when they get dumped, but they don’t start stalking people and breaking into their homes.”
“I just went on with my life.” Reid made it sound like the worst kind of sin. “Maybe I could have made it easier for him.”
“It wasn’t easy for you either. When you came out of that cafe you were shaking like a leaf.”
Morgan looked at his watch and started tapping his fingers against his car’s dashboard. Reid had asked him to be there at seven, but it was now quarter past. Morgan twisted his neck to the side to see the coffee shop on the other side of the street. He was just about to get out of the car and go see what was going on when he saw Reid. He was walking quickly, almost running, and clutching the strap of his messenger bag. Reid opened the car door and sat down. He was obviously shaking and tried to keep his voice steady.
"Thanks for coming."
Morgan took a good look at Reid and wrapped his arm around Reid’s shoulder, pulling him to rest against his shoulder. "What happened in there? How did he take it?"
Reid sniffed and cleared his throat. "Not well."
Reid didn’t say more and didn’t move from Morgan’s arms, so Morgan waited and held him. After some time Reid pulled himself back to his own seat, and wiped away few teardrops, that had fell on his cheeks.
"He got pretty upset and it all became a big scene in the middle of the cafe."
"What did he do, did he get angry?" Morgan was now on full protection mode.
"No, he wasn’t angry, just shocked. He started this big speech about how much he loves me and how he would make everything better. I don’t think he heard anything I
said. Finally the owner came and asked him to leave."
"Why did you stay so long inside?"
Reid shrugged and pulled a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I just needed to calm down a bit. And I wasn’t sure if he was still outside the cafe, I didn’t want to go through another scene."
"What do you wanna do now?"
"Just take me home. Please. I just want to go to bed and forget the whole day."
When he turned into the street where Reid’s apartment building was, the genius started twitching again. Morgan parked to the side of the road.
“You want me to come with you?”
“I… I don’t want to go yet.”
“Okay.” Morgan paused. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say. “You want to go get some food? I think a saw a burger joint somewhere.”
“No. I’m not hungry.” Reid wrapped his hands around the strap of his messenger bag. “Can I…. can we go to your place? I really don’t want to go up there right now. Too much…. memories.” He gave Morgan a panicked look. “I mean I’ll go back tomorrow. But you don’t need to….. I mean if you don’t want to-”
“Pretty Boy.”
“Sorry. I was-”
“Stop talking for a minute.”
“We’ll get some Chinese on the way, go to my place, vacuum the dog hairs off the couch and watch a movie. Good for you?”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Reid let out a relieved sigh and leaned back against the headrest.
Thirty minutes later Morgan opened the door and pushed Reid inside. The genius’s eyes kept bouncing around the house, looking for a barking, biting beast. Clooney run to them from the living room, barking his lunges out. Reid hid behind the other man and covered his ears with his hands.
“Come here, boy.” Morgan grabbed the dog to his arms and headed to the backyard. “Make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.” He came back few minutes later. Reid was still standing in the foyer, leaning againt the wall.
“Now what?”
“Nothing. I just…. Haven`t been here for a while.”
“You`ve been here a lot of times.”
Reid let out a small giggle. “During the entire time I`ve known you, I`ve been here four times.”
“You’ve been here more than that!”
“No. First time was when you invited the team for a Christmas party, because we all missed Christmas. We had that case in California, and ended up celebrating Christmas on New Years eve.”
“And the second time?”
“You gave me a ride from work and you dropped by on the way to change your clothes. You said you had something to do afterwards.”
“I came over to give you some files about the Bernard case. When you were recovering from that stomach flu.”
“Okay, what’s the third?”
Reid blushed and nailed his eyes to the floor. “That time I didn’t actually come inside. You were supposed to pick me up when the team had that birthday thing for J.J.”
“I don’t remember that.”
“You didn’t remember then, either. I wondered why you were half an hour late so I took a cab, and I came over to see if you were okay. You didn’t answer your phone.”
“I have absolutely no recollection of that….”
“I knocked on the door and when you didn’t answer I peeked thought the window.” Reid blushed again. “You had company. Female company. So I left.”
“Oh crap…” Morgan looked sincerely embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I-”
“That’s okay. Garcia already took disciplinary actions, because you didn’t show up to J.J.`s party. I thought that was enough.”
“I don’t remember that either…”
“She stole your holiday pictures and mailed them to all the females in our building.”
“Not the ones from the nude beach….”
“Yeah, but she had your…. intimate places covered.”
“With what?”
“Little picture of her head. And a text.”
“What text?”
“To see the whole chocolaty goodness, call BAU. He’s not too picky.”
“That was Garcia? My inbox was jammed for weeks! I’ll kill her…”
“She said you asked for it.” Reid grinned. The grin turned into a smile, and smile into a laughter. It sounded slightly hysterical, but genuine non the less. Finally his laughing fit subdued and he took a deep breath. “Thanks. I needed a good laugh.”