Title: Tems of Talking
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List “Reid?”
“Pretty Boy?”
“Baby Boy?”
“Are you ever gonna speak to me again?” Morgan exclaimed and tore the newspaper from Reid’s hands. They were the first ones in the waiting area of the small air hanger. “I shouldn’t have said that in front of the locals, but you were knee-deep in your story and-”
“I’m not talking to you.”
“Why not?”
“Because you interrupt me anyway.”
“I always do that.”
“That’s our thing! You start some boring story about the number of corncobs in Brazil and I tell you to cut it. It’s our tradition!”
“And I don’t mind it when there’s no strangers around, but when we’re in the middle of a police station and surrounded by strangers I do mind. You know full well my issues with professional authority and I don’t need you to cause more damage.”
“I didn’t mean it!”
“And yet you said. That either means you can’t control your verbal delivery or that most of the things that come out of your mouth don’t mean anything.”
“That was unfair-”
“And my story had nothing to with corncobs or Brazil. I was talking about our methodology in cases like this. You may hear it over and over again, but those people haven’t, and they need to know that we know what we’re doing.”
“I admit, you got a point.”
“I got a point? I know I got a point, I don’t need you to point out my point for me and that just proved that you just don’t see the point.”
“For someone who’s not talking to me you’re talking a lot.”
“I’m not talking to you.”
“You just talked to me.”
“Well, I’m not talking to you from now on. Those people at the station asked me questions and I answered. Everyone was interested except you.”
“Prentiss wasn’t listening either! Why aren’t you mad at her?”
“Because she didn’t interrupt me or undermine me in front those people. You didn and to make worse, you’re someone who should know better.”
“Okay, I’ll never interrupt you again when you’re talking to people. I promise. Is that what you want?”
“No, because I know you can’t keep that promise, you don’t have the self control for that.”
“So what do you want me to do? I already said I’m sorry!”
“You never interrupt Hotch or Rossi or Prentiss. Or even J.J. and her main responsibility is to come up with empty phrases for the press.”
“Yeah, but they’re…. you know.”
“They’re what?”
“You know… not you.”
“But I am. And?”
“And….” Morgan took a minute to consider.
“And don’t say “you know” again.”
“They’re just… Well, we’re together, I gotta have some liberties.”
Reid pulled another newspaper from his bag and turned away from Morgan to start reading again.
“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just a mindset, I can’t switch it off.”
“You had that same mindset before we even got together.”
“No, that was a different mindset.”
“Morgan.” Reid unfolded the paper. “Say something right, or this conversation ends here.”
“Okay….” Morgan tried to pull the paper from Reid’s grasp. “I’m sorry. I can’t promise I’ll never do that again, but you know I don’t do it to embarrass you or anything like that.” He dumped the paper to the trashcan. “But I promise you that next time I do that you can smack me on the head with that hideous messenger bag.”
“Not enough.” Reid stated, but a small smile was trying to curl his lips.
“Well, you can smack me on the head with the hideous messenger bag and then you can tell the most embarrassing story about me that you can think of.”
“Last June, Newark.”
“Not that.”
“You said the most embarrassing story-”
“But not that. It wasn’t about me or my virility, I was just tired-”
“Biologically speaking-”
“You can tell them about Clooney and the last fathers day. Cake and all. And that “My Heart Belongs to Daddy“ -serenade Clooney and I had going on with the radio.”
“Okay.” Reid nodded. “You got a deal.”
“Are you two talking again?” Prentiss asked and walked into the waiting area.
“Yeah.” Morgan grinned.
“And by the way, Morgan….” Reid purred and took a good grip from the strap of his bag. “Our deal will be executed retroactively.”
“Emily? Have I ever told you about the stunt Morgan pulled last fathers day with Clooney?”
Title: Dreamy Gary
Pair: Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List “Chad?”
Another poke, this time to the ribs. Chad snapped awake.
“No, I want to talk about something.”
“At…. Three in the morning?”
“Who’s Gary?” Hotch asked.
“You were talking in your sleep, who’s Gary?”
“My old dog, she died when I was twelve.”
“She was called Gary?”
“Long story.”
“What race?”
“Mix raced mutt with three legs.”
“What happened to the fourth leg?”
“She saw Maris jumping down from the roof and she just had to try it too.”
“Why was your sister on the roof?”
“She got grounded for a month after that Mike incident.”
“What kind of incident?”
“They were fooling around in the backseat of his car and our mom saw them.”
“So she tried to harm herself?”
“By jumping off the roof.”¨
“No, she was supposed to meet some of her friends and she tried to get out through her bedroom window. Her foot just slipped.”
“What about Mira?”
“The girl next door. She moved away after third grade.”
“Why was she in your sleep?”
“Because she was walking Gary. Then she turned into a talking lamb, who shed her wool while climbing up endless stairs and ended up in the bullpen playing poker with a chimp version of Rossi.”
“You could have told me in the beginning that it was one of those nonsense dreams.”
“You asked. Can we go back to sleep now?”