Title: Paternity
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List “Morgan?”
“Yeah?” Morgan groaned from behind his coffee cup. “Please tell me we don’t need to go to work early….”
“No, but I remembered we didn’t check the mail when we got back last night.”
“We hardly remembered to get to bed before falling asleep.”
“I wasn’t snooping, I just opened it by accident.”
“It’s for you.”
“What is it?”
“A paternity claim.”
Morgan’s coffee ended up on the table, soaking his newspaper.
“A paternity claim.” Spencer repeated. “Second paternity claim in the past five months.”
“You mean…?”
“Yeah, one of the neighbours has a litter of mutts and they’re looking for the culprit.”
“Clooney’s harmless!”
“Considering you took him to the vet for the operation, I assume so.” Reid gave him a long look. “You did take him to the vet, didn’t you?”
“I did! And I endured those guilty looks and painful howls. He didn’t talk to me for days after that.”
“Was that when he tried to bite you in the genital area?”
“Yeah, I think that was something like an eye for an eye.”
“I don’t want to know. If you’re sure it can’t be Clooney, I’ll send this back to Mrs. Larson.”
“She’s that same dame who let’s her dog run wild in the doggie park.”
“The one with the big red hair?”
“Yep. The most popular bitch in the park.”
“The dog?”
“Who else?”
“Sorry, your phrasing was misleading….”
“Maybe it was, but that bitch lets every single dog come and sniff at her, so the daddy could be almost anyone of the dogs who goes to that park. One sniff and that bitch is on her back and waving her paws.”
“Are you….?”
“Still talking about the dog? Yeah, but as far as I know, the poor dog has learned all that from her owner.”
Title: Aim
Pair: Sean Hotchner / Cain Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List “Are you sure you wanna do this?” Cain asked one more time.
“Yeah! Everyone else does it.”
“That’s usually a very bad reason to do something.”
“Seriously, everyone does it. My bro, your bro, Morgan, Spencer, Dave, that blond Barbie doll whatever her name is-”
“Anyway, Spencer has done it with both Morgan and Aaron!”
“I know.”
“And he’s younger than me!”
"Younger than I.”
“Thanks a lot Mister Grammar. I wanna try it!”
“I’m not sure you got what it takes. It requires patience and focus. And quite frankly….”
“I don’t have them?”
“You got the focus of a five year old.”
“You promised to teach me!”
“And I will, but I want you to really think about it.”
“I already said I wanna try it! You put me through this same interrogation when I wanted to try that thing from the Gay Kama Sutra.”
“And I was right, remember? You pulled a muscle because you didn’t warm up like I told you.”
“Come on, this is totally different.”
“Not really. You need focus, rhythm-”
“I got rhythm. If you don’t start teaching me right now, I’ll start by myself.”
“Fine.” Cain pulled his gun from the case and showed it to Sean. “Rule number one: This model doesn’t have a safety like most handguns. Keep it directed to the range at all time.”
“Got it.”
“Take it in your hand.”
“It’s not loaded.”
“Practise with it first. Get a good grip on it and bring the other hand there to support it.”
“Like this?”
“Yeah. Keep your arm straight, legs little bit wider and put the right one in front of you for balance. Try the trigger.”
“It doesn’t move.”
“Because it’s not loaded.” Cain positioned himself behind Sean and placed his hands on top Sean’s. “Try to aim at the target. If you’re not at close range it’s better to aim little bit higher, the bullet looses it’s momentum pretty fast.”
“Can I try it with bullets now?”
“Okay.” Cain reached down and clamped a magazine to the gun. “It holds thirty bullets, but I put just five there. Take a good aim and fire them all.” He pulled Sean’s ear protectors in place, followed by his own. “Okay, try now. Remember steady breathing.”
Sean took a deep breath and fired the first shot. Cain pressed his arm to signal him to stop.
“You’re holding your breath. Take a deep breath and press the trigger when you exhale. And don’t press the trigger all the way at once. Press it slowly, you can feel the resistance and you’ll know when you reach the point where it will go off. Try again.”
Sean lifted the gun again and followed the instructions. He fired the remaining four shots. Cain pressed the keys at the departing wall to bring the paper target closer. The target had four holes on it, all of them outside the lines of the black figure.
“Not bad for a first timer, you hit the target.”
“I hit the paper.” Sean commented. “Not the target.”
“For a beginner that was good. You got a good touch.”
“Guess what I was thinking?”
“I tried to press the trigger the same way you squeeze me when you want me to really loose it.”
“Well….” Cain grinned and gave Sean a pat on the shoulder. “If it works for you, use it.”