Fic: Three Signs, Chapter 3/7 -Opportunity (Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid/ Derek Morgan)

Oct 19, 2008 13:12

Title: Three Signs (Chapter 3/7-Opportunity)
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer:  They are not mine, just using them
for amusement...

`So, what do you want to talk about?`

Morgan took a deep breath and got up from his position on the bed.
"That case in Seattle last.... I saw you.... after it."
"After what?" Reid looked genuinely puzzled.
"After you left the office, in the parking lot." Morgan`s words were followed
by silence. The blush creeping up on Reid`s face made it obvious he knew
what Morgan meant.

"Why.... Why didn`t you say something before?" Reid finally stammered.
"I wanted to figure things out by myself first. After that I just waited for a
good moment to talk to you."
Reid gave him a bemused look. "Something you had to figure out. I`m sorry,
but I can`t see anything in this that would require any pondering from you."

Now it was Morgan`s turn to feel his face heating up. "Well, I did figure out
something anyway. I just want some answers from you, and if you don`t
wanna talk about it later, then we can do so."

Reid swayed back and forth on the bed, both arms curled around his chest,
considering the situation. "Okay, what do you want to know?"
Morgan relaxed a bit, and sat down on his own bed. "First of all, who is was
that guy,and how did you meet him?"

Reid still seemed to be looking for an escape,but decided to surrender.
"His name is Mark, and we met about two months ago during a case."
"What case? I`ve never seen the guy before."
"The Johnsson case. Prentiss and me interviewed him on suspect`s finances.
He works in an investment company. Anyway, later when we were gathering
the evidence for the preliminary hearing, he asked me out."
"And you agreed? Why?"

Reid looked taken aback. "Why not? It`s not that common that someone
asks me out."
"That`s not what I meant. I mean-" Morgan took a moment to think how to put it. 
"How is it going?.... I mean.... Do you really like him?"

Reid weighted the question for a moment. "It`s going, I guess. He likes me and I
think I like him. We have fun together. I don`t know how serious it`s gonna get,
but it`s been good so far."
"You `like`him. Do you think that`s all it`s gonna be? Or do you think you may
someday love him?"
Morgan waited. If the answer was `yes`, he would have to forget it.

"I don`t know. I like him, but I honestly don`t know about that."Reid looked
down and tried to collect his thought. "It`s just...."

Reid`s voice was sounded very small. "It`s nice when somebody likes you.
It doesn`t happen that often."

Morgan hadn`t expected that and it took him a while to get back on tracks.
"Everyone in the office likes you."
"As a co-worker or a friend. It´s not the same thing."
"I like you."

Reid raised his head to get a got look at Morgan. That was all the encoura-
gement Morgan needed, and he pushed astonished Reid on his back on
the bed and carefully kissed him.

At first Reid was too stunned to move, but as soon as he got his faculties
in order he pushed Morgan off of him.
"What are you doing?"
"I told you: Like you, and hell of a lot more than that Mark guy."Morgan was
still trying to catch his breath after the kiss.
"If you give me a chance, I would be so much better for you than him."
"Morgan, you can`t just announce you want me and expect me to ditch him
because of you. Since when have you even wanted me that way?" Reid was
nervously pushing his hair behind his ear. "Is this just because you figured out
I was seeing somebody? Are you just jealous?"

Morgan was surprised. He hadn`t expected Reid to focus on that aspect.
"No, that`s not it. Okay, I was jealous, but not the way you think. That whole
episode just made me think."
"About what?"
"About how good we would be together. I knew I cared for you as a friend, and
when I put the pieces together they just fit."

Morgan couldn`t think of anything else to say. It was now up to Reid.
"What do say?"

Reid trotted from one end of the small room to the other one and back again, like
a trapped cat. Finally he leaned against the wall and fixed his eyes on Morgan.
"You mean you really want me?" His voice was filled with uncertainty.
Morgan sensed which way Reid was going and gave him an encouraging smile. 
"Pretty boy, I want you more than I`ve wanted anybody else."

Very slowly a smile appeared on Reid`s face. "You haven`t called me that
for a while."

Before Morgan had time to realize what was happening, Reid had crossed the
room and pinned him to the mattress. Reid pressed his lips to Morgan`s and
Morgan could do nothing but surrender. Kiss turned quickly from slow and timid
to passionate. Morgan let his hands slid up and down Reid`s back, enjoying the
feel of warm flesh under the layers of fabric. Finally both men had to separate for
a while simply to breathe.

"I think that means `yes." Morgan panted and enjoyed the feeling of  full body contact.
Reid stayed laying on top of him and made no move to escape.
"Yes, but ..."
"But what?" Morgan asked and started nibbling Reid`s neck.
"But we need to wait."
"Wait for what?" Morgan fixed his eyes on Reid`s.
"Wait, till I break it up with Mark. I don`t want to play that kind of games. I want to
do this right from the start."

Morgan gave him a smile and kissed him again. They had waited for years, they
could wait for a while longer. "Okay, we can do that."

Reid let out a sigh a relief and settled his head in Morgan`s chest. Both were too
exhausted to even think about moving.
"Can we sleep like this?" Reid mumbled, sleep already taking over.

"You think I would let you go back to your own bed?" Morgan grinned.
"Good night, Pretty Boy."

Next Chapter

show: criminal minds, cm / series: three signs, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan

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