Fic: Instructions (Numb3rs, Charlie / Colby, NC-17)

Apr 03, 2010 15:50

Title: Instructions
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton  
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome 

NUMB3RS Main List

“What do you mean there’s nothing there?” Colby tried to control the desire to grab the tech by the neck and twist it till his head was backwards.

“But there’s not.” Palmer shimmed backwards, seemingly ready to sprint out of the office at lightning’s speed. “If there was anything to retrieve I would do that, but there’s nothing! Every single computer is wiped clean, several times. There’s nothing left.”

“Colby?” Megan walked in and closed the glass door to the bullpen. “You want the good news or the bad news?”
“I just got back from the cryptographers.”
“And they think they can crack the coding.”
“And then the bad news.”
“It will take something like six months.”
“What about the good  news?”
“They said I should try the same guy who did some consulting for them. Guess who?”

“Who else?” She sighed. “Something like this comes up every time Don has that phase.”
“I know, but normally he gets over it when he doesn’t have other choices.” Colby reminded. He turned to peer through the window into the bullpen. “Isn’t he too old for sibling rivalry?”
“Well, I don’t think it’s sibling rivalry in the traditional sense. You know when little children first learn something, like dressing themselves, and then they want to do everything themselves?”

“Some people call it “I can do it myself” phase, little kid wants to show what a big boy he is. In this case he wants to remind himself and his surroundings that he’s a big boy and he can do his work without help from his little brother.”
“Have you told him that theory?”
“Tell me when you do, because you’ll need a bodyguard after that.” Colby chuckled and pulled his beeping cellphone form his pocket. He clicked the new message open.

Attention agent Granger, Palmer is checking out your ass.

Colby twirled around and Palmer blushed. The tech hid behind the computer screens and tried to get so low that no one could see him. Colby’s phone beeped again and a new message appeared.

Agent Granger, report for duty at the copy machine.

“What’s going on?” Megan asked.
“Charlie. I think the copy room at CalSci is having a nervous breakdown again.” He walked out to the bullpen, phone in his hand, but Charlie was nowhere to be seen. Colby wandered across the room till he reached the copy machine, which was, for one reason or another, stashed into a remote corner. Another message arrived.

Very good, agent Granger. No copies of your butt, instead drag it to the janitors closet.

He chuckled and followed directions. He paused outside the janitor’s closet. The door was locked and he had no choice, but to wait for more instructions. His phone beeped again.

Turn around.

Colby turned, but there was no one else in the hallway. The room opposite the closet was the men’s room. He reread the last message and pushed the door open.

“Took you long enough.” Charlie commented. He was sitting on the edge of the sink, his laptop in his lap and a phone in his hand. He closed the computer’s lid and shoved it down to his bag. “Consider this a test. How well can you follow orders.”

“I thought you had classes all day.”
“I do, but my group is working on their course project, so I got some free time.”
“And you decided to play with your phone. That thing’s not a toy, you know…” Colby laughed. “If you wanted to get some lunch, I don’t have time to go anywhere.”
“Did I say anything about food?” Charlie approached him and bragged Colby’s tie, pulling him into one of the large handicap stalls. He closed the door and placed his bag safely on the floor. “You know how often I forget to eat when I’m really inspired.”

“Are you inspired now?”
“I lured you into the bathroom and dragged you into the stall. Do the math, it’s not very hard.” Charlie pulled him into a kiss, still hanging on to the man’s tie. “Megan called me about the case.”
“You want to talk about Megan?”
“No, but I thought you’ll probably need a break.” Charlie grinned into the kiss, his hand wandering down Colby’s chest. “You always like it when you have orders to follow.”

“Depends on who’s giving the orders.”
“I am.” Charlie popped the top button of Colby’s trousers open and slid his hand inside. He sunk down to his knees and pulled the zipper down. Colby looked at the door with a slight panic.

“It’s locked.” Charlie confirmed, pulling Colby’s half hard cock out of his boxers. He ran his hand up and down the shaft, glancing up. “The real question is: Can you stay quiet?” He gave the tip of the cock a chaste little kiss, then devoured it with one quick move.

Colby’s head fell back, hitting the partition wall of the stall. He pressed his lips together, taking deep breaths. He gave into temptation and slid his hands into Charlie’s hair, enjoying the feel of the curls twirling around his fingers. He looked down at the large, brown eyes looking back at him and a small whimper escaped his throat. Charlie stroked Colby’s cock slowly, his other hand sneaking around to grab his butt. Once again Colby wondered how much the constant chalk twirling had helped the genius’s dexterity, because Charlie seemed to find his weak spots without even trying. He ran his fingertips down the crevice between the agent’s cheeks and circled around the puckered opening. Colby’s body reacted with an uncontrollable thrust forward, sinking all the way into Charlie’s mouth.


“Agent Granger, you’re gonna have to pay for that.” Charlie deadpanned and pulled away. “Sit down.”

Colby shoved the lid down and sat on the seat, waiting for more instructions. He shivered a bit when his warm skin met the cool plastic, but he tried to stay still. Charlie shimmied his way out of his own jeans and boxers, then crouched down to rummage his bag. He pulled out a small bottle of lube and popped the cap off.

“Did I tell you how I killed time when I was waiting for you?”

“No…” Colby shivered when Charlie’s hand landed on his cock, coating him with lube. “Play solitaire?”

“No, I played with myself. I got myself all prepared.” Charlie reach up to Colby’s shoulders for support and positioned himself over the agent’s lap, his legs on both sides of Colby’s thighs. He reached back to grab Colby’s and slowly lowered himself, taking it all in, little by little.

“Do you need more instructions, agent?” Charlie leaned forward to rest his forehead against the man’s shoulder. Colby’s hand clutched Charlie’s hips, encouraging him to increase his pace. Charlie rode him with a steady tempo, squeezing Colby at every downward move. The sudden sound of a door being opened snapped Colby back to reality, pressing his mouth shut, while Charlie eyed his expression with a clear amusement. He didn’t even pause his moves, instead he added a teasing little twist of his hips that made Colby whimper through his pursed lips.

The steps on the other side of the stall door stopped and someone knocked on the door.

“You okay in there?”

“Yeah… I… I…”
“Are you sick or something?”
“Yeah… really sick.” Colby gasped. “I’ll be fine.”
“You better think about going home, or pretty soon the whole office has it.” The steps moved away and the slam of the door made Colby sigh deeply.

“Good thing he didn’t see our feet or we’d be in trouble.”
“Who was that?”
“No idea.” Colby groaned, pushing up to meet Charlie’s motions. He nuzzled his face against Charlie’s neck and came inside him, whimpering softly. Charlie’s grabbed the man’s hand and guided it to his cock. Colby stoked him furiously, bringing him to a quick climax.

“Charlie…” Colby chuckled breathily. “Don’t ever make take a break alone.”
“You’ve been taking breaks here?” Charlie smirked. “One man show in the bathroom? That’s a really depressing thought.”
“I don’t do that!”
“Well, if you do, I wanna watch.” Charlie slowly lifted himself up, letting Colby’s spent member slid out of him. He pulled few tissues from the rack on the partition wall and dried off the sticky remains that were running slowly down his thighs.
“Maybe…” A thought occurred to Colby while he tucked himself back into his trousers. “Wait a minute… how did you know where I was going? When you sent your messages?”

“Very easily.” Charlie pulled the laptop out of his bag and opened the lid. The screen was filled by several smaller images, from different surveillance cameras.
“How did you…?”
“How often do I need to remind you that I’m a genius?”
“No objections here.” Colby straightened his tie and got up on his wobbly legs. “I need to get back before Megan starts wondering.” He gave Charlie a lingering kiss and peeked his head out of the stall. “Road’s clear.”

“Gimme a call when Don comes to his senses.”
“Shouldn’t take too long, we’re facing a dead-end with the case.” Colby leaned in for another kiss and pulled back. He checked one more time the bathroom was empty and closed the door behind him so Charlie could get dressed.

He hurried back to the bullpen, avoiding everyone’s eyes. He had a nagging feeling people were watching him in a weird way. Colby spotted Megan telling off Palmer and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Did I miss something?”
“More of the same. What did Charlie want?”
“He had some time off from his classes, just dropped in to say hi.”
“I see…” Megan eyed him up and down, grinning widely. “I definitely see…”

Colby’s cellphone beeped and he checked the message.

Attention, agent Granger. You forgot to zip up.

show: numb3rs, -nc-17, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, numb3rs / one-off

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