Fic: Permission To Launch, Chapter 3/3 (Numb3rs, Charlie / Colby, Don / Martin, David)

Sep 02, 2010 21:23

Title: Permission To Launch, Chapter 3/3
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome 

NUMB3RS Main List

Chapter 1/3 
Chapter 2/3

“You really took your time.” Charlie commented from behind his coffee cup. “You should have been here ten minutes ago, you would have seen a great show.”

“It took longer than I thought.” Don leaned against the table and scanned the coffee shop. Colby and Martin were waiting for refills at the counter and chatting about something that obviously required several unreadable handgestures and a stack of wooden stirrers. “What’s going on there?”

“Colby wanted to know if he could deduct his work-suits in taxes, he’s been going through a lot of them lately. There was that swim in the sewer with a rotting corpse and that mild-mannered housewife, who threw a bucket of fish guts on him...”

“Then he’s asking the right person, Martin’s wardrobe would make a Ken doll jealous.”
“Does he still throw away your old shirts and leave new ones in your closet without telling you?”
“Yep, and underwear too.” Don smirked, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He looked over to the counter, where the barista was handing over coffees to the two men. “I need to stop by at David’s on the way, but I’ll see you at the house. We`ll bring pizza.”

“Pizza sounds good, but aren’t you gonna stay a while?”
“No, I better try to patch this up.” Don sighed. “I called Washington.”
“I thought you would. Did you recommend him for it?”
“No, I didn’t call the guy, who’s handling it.”
“Then who?”
“She’s still in DC?”
“Yeah, she told me to say hi to everyone.”
“How’s she doing?”
“I know, I sent them wedding present.”
“And then re-divorced.”
“Too bad. One time mistake is bad, but when you do the same mistake twice…”
“… you must be a masochist.” Don finished for him. “By the way, she said I should tell you that she kept the E=mc² toaster you sent to them.”

“Good. That bastard doesn’t deserve it.”
“You’ve never even met the guy.”
“I’ve heard enough about him, total bastard. If she took him back for another try and he screwed up again, he’s gotta be a total bastard.”

Colby and Martin joined them at the table and Don took the cup of black coffee Martin handed over to him. He took a sip and then emptied it with one long gulp.
“You mind if we go now?”
“Where are we going?” Martin asked, but peeled off his coat from the back of his chair.
“I need to talk to David.”

“Remember to get pizza.” Charlie reminded. “And aren’t you gonna ask me about Megan?”
“What about her?”
“I told you when you came in that you should have been here to see it.” Charlie chuckled. “This sleazy looking guy tried to hit on her when we were getting coffee and she said-”

“Save that story for later, okay?”
“It was really funny.”
“It was.” Colby agreed with an enthusiastic nod.
“In a bitchy, below the belt way, it was.” Martin chuckled. “I’ll tell you about it in the car.”


“Don?” David pulled the door fully open so they could walk in. “Come on in.”

“Is Ian around?” Don walked into the living room and took a quick look around. Martin stayed at the door, giving the two room to talk.

“No, he took Caroline to her karate class.” David explained. He picked up a colourful DVD case from the coffee table. “I was gonna fix us some ice cream for the movie, they should be home right about now. Did you wanna talk to him?”
“No, but I need to talk to you.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“I called DC.”

David tried to read Don’s expression and failed.
“What did you tell them?”
“I didn’t call the guy, who wanted my recommendation. I called Terry.”
“Terry?” Genuine surprise showed up on his face.
“Yeah, she knows a lot of people there, I thought she might put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks.” David stated unsurely. “I appreciate it, man.”
“Don’t thank me yet. She said the rumour mill in the DC office… well, long story short: You’re not gonna get the job.”

“They… they said-” David stammered. “They said it wouldn’t be decided for at least three or four weeks.”
“That’s the official stand. It’s all about office politics. One of the senior agents is going to retire next year, so the promotion circus starts running. They want a specific person to take the place when it opens, and they need to get her in that position you were applying for, so she can be promoted when that time comes.”

“But it was open for applications-”
“Because that’s the normal procedure. It’s politics and their girl knows how to play the game and suck up to the right people. They want her, and that’s all there is to it.”
“What about… I could apply for another positions.”
“Terry talked about it. She’ll keep her ears open in case there’s something, but it doesn’t really look like it. They’ve been trimming budgets again, so there won’t be any new positions, and as far as she knows, no one is leaving or transferring.”

“Thanks anyway.” David swallowed and nailed his eyes to the floor. “It’s the thought that counts and all that crap, right?”

Martin approach him and gave him a symphatetic look.
“David, you have a job in a good team, DC is not in another continent and you can go there for weekends or Ian can come here. It may not seem like it, but it could be a lot worse. Being apart is not nice, but it’s not like you have to cut all contacts for a year. You can talk on the phone every day, sent e-mails, or maybe set up a webcam.”

“Speaking from your own experience?” David asked slyly. “How do you do it when you have to go away for work?”
“Use every chance I get to be in touch. I don’t travel that much anymore, but in the beginning it was hard to be away from here.”

“What about later?”
“It gets easier when you get used to the fact that you always come back to the same person and you know he is there when you come back. But it’s hard for both, the one who has to leave and the one who has to stay and wait.” Martin chuckled and slid his hand over Don’s shoulder. “Sorry, I’ve had a long day. I get sappy when I’m tired.”

“No, I think you might be on to something there.” David admitted. He rubbed his scalp tiredly, trying to get control of himself, but the disappointment was still visible. “I guess… I should make the most of it while he’s still here. I don’t meant to push you out, but…”

“But you want to have some family time.” Don nodded. “See you in the morning.” He walked out with Martin in tow.

David saw them to the door and closed it behind them. He leaned against the door, breathing heavily. David tilted his head back and slammed it against the hard wood, over and over again. He almost lost the sense of time before he peeled himself off the door and went to the kitchen.

David pulled out a carton of ice cream from the freezer and three bowls from the cupboard.

show: numb3rs, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, numb3rs / one-off, pair: david sinclair / ian edgerton

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