Title: Spring Nose
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Written for the Spring Fever Challenge at morganreid_cm
“Are you leaving now?” Prentiss asked and looked at Morgan over the pile of
paperwork she had on her desk. “You better make sure we look good.”
Morgan slugged his training back to his shoulder and grinned. “I’ll make
us look good even if I loose.”
“Too bad they don’t give extra points for Ego. And you lost last year.”
“I was second, that’s not loosing.”
“That is loosing. Is Reid well enough to go?”
“According to him, yes.”
“And according to you?”
“He should stay home and rest. You wouldn’t believe the fight we had this
morning when he wanted to come to work.”
“I would believe that, and very easily.”
“Anyway, I think he felt bad that he couldn`t come and I didn’t want to tell
him that he had to wait till next years competition.”
“I see. Are you sure he won`t infect anyone else?”
“It’s allergy, you can’t catch it. But last night was pretty bad. He had
to get up at two to take more meds, because he couldn’t breathe.”
“What exactly is he allergic to?”
“I’m not sure, he had this long list of trees and plants, and after the first
half I kinda started dozing off…”
“But he’ll be allright?”
“Yeah, he has that thing same time every spring, like clockwork.”
“How’s my chocolaty metabunny?” Garcia bounced to Prentiss`s workstation.
“Did you do that mental rehearsal thing I told you about?”
“You told him about that?” Prentiss commented. “How many times do I need to
tell you, that you shouldn’t believe everything you find on the Internet?”
“It’s a real thing!”
“Right… Did you coach him last year too?”
“Girls, do you need me here, or should I just get you two a pool of mud, so
you can wrestle?” Morgan grinned.
“Sweetie pie, if you want to see me in a leotard, just ask.” Garcia beamed.
“Besides I would pin you to mat under ten seconds.” Prentiss added.
“There’s no mat in mud wrestling, and I really need to go now. Have a nice
weekend.” Morgan gave them a wave and left.
“Wow…. Just wow….” Morgan stared at Reid with his mouth open.
“What?” Reid asked and wiped his nose with a handkerchief.
“Nothing… just…”
“Wow? You just said that.”
“I know, but…”
“It’s not that bad. After those new meds all the mucus just started flowing.”
“I can see that. Can I be honest?”
“Just say it…”
“You look like tomato exploded on your face. A very runny tomato.”
“Thanks. Do you think you can actually bring a trophee home this time?”
“I got a trophee last year!”
“Second place doesn’t count.”
“It counts!”
“And that second place the year before that…. Looks like a pattern
to me....”
“Stop that! You’ll jinx my competition.”
“Then leave my nose alone.”
“Second place, third year in a row…” Reid smirked sitting on the passenger
“That last match was fixed, it had to be.” Morgan groaned and drove the cat out
of the parking area. “That guy was from organised crime, what do they know
about wrestling…”
“A lot, apparently. But I got to admit, I enjoyed the matches.”
“You did?”
“Sure, there is something distinctly erotic about two men in tights, groaning
and groping each other.”
“Don’t talk like that when I’m driving.”
“Did you know that traditionally wrestling was a way for soldiers to practice
for close combat, and it was done in the nude?”
“Stop that talking like that. It doesn’t suit you.”
“I thought you liked it when I talk like that.”
“I do, but not when I’m driving, and can`t do anything about it. Or when you
have the falls of Niagara running down your face.”
“We have all weekend, I should be fine in the morning. Hopefully. And then you
can give me some wrestling lessons.”
“In the traditional costume?” Morgan grinned.
“Of course, you know my deep concern about preservation of accurate portrayal
of traditions in the modern frame of reference.”
“Your what?”
“Forget it. You want to get some food on the way?”
“Yeah, what do you feel like? Chinese?”
“If you promise you wont try to teach me to use chopsticks again.”
“I promise, if you promise we’ll have that wrestling lesson tomorrow.”
“You remember what happened last time when we had a wrestling lesson?”
“How could I forget….”
“You said I have a great technique.”
“That last part of the lesson wasn’t wrestling.” Morgan laughed. “But I would
have deserved the first prize that time too.”
“What about me?” Reid tilted his eyebrows. “Don’t I get a prize?”
“Maybe in something like `best newcomer` category.”
“We’ll see about that….” Reid blew his nose. “After my nose has gone down
to it’s normal size.