Title: Resident Doctor -Epilogue
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List “Morning boys!” Garcia greeted and marched inside. Morgan closed the door.
“What are you doing here?”
“What, I can’t drop by to visit my favourite eye candy?”
“You can, but we’ll meet at the office in two hours.”
“I just wanted to see the changes, and you said yesterday that you were busy all
evening. I’m trying to be considerate here.”
“What’s going on?” Reid mumbled, walking into the kitchen in his pyjamas, his hair
pointing to every possible direction. “Do we have a case?”
“No.” Morgan responded. “Housing inspection.”
“Okay…. Coffee?”
“I just got out of bed to answer the door, so no, we don’t have coffee.”
“Oh…. Okay…” Reid took a mug and started pouring sugar into it.
“Pretty Boy, I said we don’t have coffee yet.”
“What…? Right….” Reid put the mug away and rubbed his eyes sleepily. “I’ll
make coffee…”
“No need, Yummybrain.” Garcia grinned. She pulled a paper bag out of her bag.
“I brought coffee. But no Danishes this time. I had to throw one bag away after
that jam incident.” She opened the bag and handed take-away cups to both men.
“Thanks.” Reid took the cup, popped off the lid and poured the sugar from his
mug to the cup. “So what brings you here?”
“I came to offer my expertise in interior decorating. You know how great my work
station always looks.”
“Your entire apartment is pink. That’s not exactly my style.” Morgan commented.
“And why would we need help?”
“It can lead to disaster, I’ve seen it many times.”
“What can lead to a disaster?”
“Moving in together. Two people having their stuff in one place…. It can turn
pretty ugly.”
“We’re fine, I just had to make one compromise.”
“What compromise?”
“I had to give up my guestroom to store his stuff.”
“I don’t have that much stuff!” Reid interrupted. “And don’t forget the shower.”
“Right, that….” Morgan groaned.
“Tell me, tell me.” Garcia bounced up and down.
“Nothing, I put my own shower curtain to the bathroom.” Reid explained.
Garcia shrugged. “So what’s the big deal?”
“Have you ever seen it?” Morgan asked.
“No, he’s never invited me to his shower.”
“Come and take a look.” Morgan put his coffee down and guided Garcia to
the bathroom. “What do you think?”
Garcia stared at the curtain. “Are those….?”
“Bunnies? Yes, they are.” Morgan smirked.
“That`s….. so cute.”
“I love it. Honey, where did you buy it?”
“That store next to that Chinese place.” Reid grinned.
“I want one like that too.”
“Tell me you’re kidding….” Morgan moaned.
“No, I love that!” Garcia giggled.
“This is not funny!”
“I wasn`t thinking about that.” Garcia tried to control her giggles. “I was just
picturing you two shopping for curtains together.”
Reid joined her in her giggle fest and Morgan looked at them like they
had gone mad.
“Aaaaahhhhhhh….. That was a good start for my day.” Garcia wiped tears of
laughter from her eyes. “Okay, next stop. I wanna see the bedroom.”
“No. Definitely no.” Morgan panicked.
“You don’t say no to me.”
“I don’t. Normally. But you’re not going there.”
“More bunnies?”
“Worse….” Morgan sighed.