Title: Zoom In (2/2)
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Chapter 1/2 “Where are you?” Morgan yelled when he walked in.
“In the living room.” Morgan went to the living room and found Reid on the couch
fumbling the remote control.
“Are you still angry?”
“About your plans to go to into porn business?” Reid deadpanned.
“I was talking about home movies!”
“And you said you’ve done them before.” Reid snapped the DVD player on. “I was just
watching some of you golden oldies.” He pulled a stack of DVD cases from the coffee
table and tossed them over to Morgan.
“Where did you find these….?”
“From you sock drawer. Next to your body oil dispenser.”
“H-h-h-how much of those did you watch?”
“Enough. It was pretty impressive, if you exclude those sexually distorted, over-
the-hill slags. And I would be interested to know why you’ve kept them.”
“I just didn’t remember to get rid of them. I haven’t even watched them for a long
time! You want me to throw them away?” Morgan placed the discs of the floor and
stepped on them till they snapped. “Happy now?”
“Little bit.” Reid admitted.
“Pretty Boy, you’re the only one I want to make porn with.”
“That was the most misguided attempt in romanticism I’ve ever heard.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I don’t even know why you want to shoot us when we’re….. you know…”
“We’re grown-ups here, you can say it. And I wanted to do it so that I could remember
you when we’re apart.”
“So you forget me as soon as I’m away?”
“No. But it’s frustrating to run the one-man-circus when you have just your imagination.”
“You mean I don’t offer enough stimulation for your imagination?” Reid teased.
“There’s plenty of stimulation. And it could be fun to watch it together….”
“I don’t know….”
“How bout a compromise?”
“I’m listening.”
“You could take the camera and shoot me…. I promise I’ll give you a good show.”
Morgan leaned closer to press small kisses against Reid’s neck. “And if you like it you
could…. make your entrance….”
“I guess that depends…” Reid tilted his head to allow Morgan better access. “How
big is my role…. co-starring…. or a cameo….?”
“Big role…. definitely….”
“Do I get a scrip approval?”
“I’ll even let you direct the film…..”
“Is the nudity….” Reid paused to groan. “….justified artistically?”
“Yep. It’s a real art film….”
“I guess I could do it if it’s an intrinsic part of the plot…..” Reid grabbed Morgan
by his collar and flipped him on his back.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, HoneyBunny.” Garcia moved to the side to let Morgan in. “And why do you
look like you were just ran over by a truck parade?”
“Please, mama, can I stay here for few hours?”
“Of course you can. Let me take your pants. I mean coat.”
“Thanks. I just need to rest.”
“What have you been doing?”
“This and that and most of it on my back.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“It sounds good, but too much is too much!” Morgan slumped down on the couch
and winced. “I’m so exhausted it’s not even funny anymore.”
Garcia grinned. “Listen, Sugar, here’s the plan. I just made some coffee. We’ll
have a nice little chat, laced with cheesy double-entendres.”
“Never thought I would say this, but I think I’m too tired for that….”
“Now I’m really worried. Is that Reid-inflicted?”
“Yep. Remember that whole video idea?”
“Remember it? I think I had a dream about that.”
“He agreed to try it.”
“What do you think? It was hot stuff.”
“So why are you looking like that?”
“You know what Pretty Boy’s like when he gets excited about something?”
“I know, that Comic-Con incident stills haunts me sometimes….”
“Well, after a while he got really into it.”
“Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
“It should be! We tried it when we left work on Friday…. And after that it was like
a living hurricane of limbs and other members…. I’ve had three hours of sleep
during the weekend. Every time I lie down, he jumps on me. And when I went to
take a shower. And when I was cooking. And reading my mail. And-”
“ChocoPuff, I got the picture. There’s just one thing I don’t get.”
“What the hell are you complaining about?”
“I’m not a machine! I’m so sore all over I can hardy sit down! I need a break!”
“Wowwww……” Garcia chuckled. “This is sooooo not the way I thought this
conversation would go. I’m kinda disappointed.”
“In your durability. Probably a good thing you never tried it with me-”
Garcia was interrupted by Morgan’s cell phone.
“It’s him!” Morgan panicked. He opened the phone and checked the message.
“He want’s to know if I’m ready for my close-up.”