Title: Necessity, Chapter 5
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
NUMB3RS Main List Necessity, Chapter 1 Necessity, Chapter 2 Necessity, Chapter 3 Necessity, Chapter 4 “What kinda professor is that guy?” Dean said, eyeing the blackboards that
filled practically all the wall of the garage.
“Applied mathematics.”
“And he’s living with a soldier who’s now a fed.”
“His big bro`s a fed.”
“Professor and the Fed Number One have a daughter, and his honorary uncle
is a sniper.”
“And the sniper is living with a third fed, who works with Eppes number Two.”
“Yeah. You got a point somewhere?”
“Yep. This family is almost as weird as ours.”
“We’ve seen a lot and you think this is weird?” Sam commented. “Anyway, I
talked to the lady across the street, and she said everyone left after the
police and nobody has been here since.”
“What ID did you use?”
“What do you think?” Sam pulled his coat open to show him the fake FBI badge.
“That `s really fitting.” Dean grinned. “I still don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
“That math-fed-combo. And a baby.”
“Come one, she’s a really cute baby.”
“Don’t tell me your gonna go all mushy….”
“I’m not mushy. Kid’s can be nice.”
“You want one?”
“I don’t know. Maybe one day. Don’t you want kids?”
“Are you kidding, my figure would never snap back after that…..”
“Did you talk to Charlie about those siblings?” Colby asked. He and Don were
sitting in the living room. They were the last ones to wake up and everyone else
had already had their breakfast.
“About what?” Don snapped himself out of his trance and took a sip from
his coffee.
“About those siblings Carson talked about. I know they didn’t have anything
to do with this, but I don’t like the idea of that kind of a people buzzing
around Charlie.”
“I didn’t, I had other things in my mind…. I’ll talk to him about it.”
“Don, good news.” Megan walked in with the same agent who had escorted them
to the cottage. “Agent Wilson just had a message from the tactical units.”
“And their strikes were successes. We can leave in few hours.”
“Finally!” Don exclaimed.
“I also have little something for you.” Agent Wilson dug her purse and
pulled out several cell phones. “You can have them back now.”
Don snatched his phone from the pile and turned it on. “I knew it….”
“What is it?” Megan asked.
“Nine misses calls from Martin.” Don dialled his number and waited. “His
phone`s off. What time is it?”
“After twelve.”
“He’s probably at the airport.”
“So, you’ll call him when he lands, it’ll be okay.” Megan took the other phones
and headed to the stairs. “I’ll take these to the boys, they’re busy.”
“Busy? What are they doing?”
“Helen’s keeping them entertained. There’s a real life revival of Three Men
and a Baby upstairs.”
“I hated that movie….” Don groaned.
Thirty minutes later Don returned to the cabin, fuming like a boiling pot. Charlie
was waiting for him at the porch.
“Don? Where were you?”
“Walking. No matter which way I went, there was always a guard blocking
the way.”
“This is supposed to be a secure location, you should know that.” Charlie gave
him sympathetic glance. “Megan told me about Martin.”
“Yeah…. Well, nothing I can do about it until his plane lands.”
“What are you gonna do? I mean when we go back.”
“I don’t know. Why?”
“I got plans for you. Now’s Thursday, I called your office and said you got a cold
and you’ll be using one of your sick days tomorrow.”
“You did what….?”
“And I called the airlines, and booked you on the next flight to Philadelphia.”
“How do you get your mouth to hang open like that, it looks so painful….”
“You really did that?”
“You…. I…. I mean…. What do I do when I get there?”
“You’ll go to his hotel and start grovelling. On your knees if necessary.”
“I can do that.” Don grinned.
“So I’ve heard….”
Ian trid to move carefully closer to the bassinet. Helen had fell asleep against
his chest, and Colby was dozing in a chair leaned his head to the log wall.
“Ready to go?” Charlei walked in.
“We just fell asleep.”
“I see…” Charlie looked at Colby and tried to resist the urge to snuggle next to
“I wasn’t talking about him.” Ian grinned.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
“When we get back home…. I mean you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to-”
“Professor, just say it.”
“I thought about this whole thing and… Could you teach me how to use a gun?”
Ian gave him a long look. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah. Like I said, you don’t need to-”
“I’ll do it, but why didn’t you ask Don or Granger?”
“I think it would be uncomfortable for them. They’re both pretty…. protective.”
“I just want to know how to use a gun if I need to, and…. Don’t talk to them about
this, they’ll just get nervous.”
“You don’t think they’ll figure it out?”
“I’ve been on quite few self defence courses when I’ve worked on different projects.
I haven’t told them about those either. They think I’m fragile anyway.” Charlie
shrugged. “I let them think what they wanna think, and they feel they are needed.
Status Quo remains.”