Title: Overnight (Epilogue)
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: NC-17
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Follows:
Overnight Reid was going to call for Morgan when he walked in thought the front door, but
Clooney got to him first. He ran to Reid and tried to crawl up his leg.
“Pretty Boy?” Morgan came from the kitchen. “How come you’re here?”
“I live here.”
“I mean why didn’t you call me? I could have picked you up.”
Reid grouched down to pet Clooney and shrugged. “We landed after seven,
so I didn’t want to bother you. Hotch gave me a ride.”
“Did he keep his hands to himself?”
“That joke`s really getting old. And why’s Clooney the only one who seems
to be anxious to have me back?”
“Sorry, I just waited till he was done with the licking.”
“And then?”
“Then it’s my turn.” Morgan grinned.
Reid put the dog back on the floor. “Clooney was pretty thorough. How are
you going to top that?”
“Let’s see…” Morgan backed him against the wall and kissed him. His hands
snaked to his back and down to his butt, pulling him closer. Reid hot the hint
and wrapped his legs around Morgan’s waist.
“I’m still not convinced….” Reid grinned. “And you made some promises
“Did I?”
“In that text message….”
“Oh that….” Morgan was smirking like a Cheshire cat. “You wanna try that?”
“Not against the wall.”
“I got the message.” Morgan took a firmer grip of him and carried him up
the stairs.
“I could have walked, but this works too.” Reid commented. “I wondered
about that text….”
“Have you been reading that position guide again?”
“You were away and those home movies can keep me entertain for twenty
hours. You were gone twenty-eight.”
“What’s that twenty hour limit?”
“After looking at those for twenty hours I’m too exhausted to get the little
profiler up.”
“I really didn’t need to know that…. And you shouldn’t read that book,
remember what happened last month.”
“That was your fault.”
“I had to answer the phone!”
“You left me hanging upside down in my own cuffs!”
“I got so wrapped up in the new case.” Reid blushed.
“Yeah, right…” Morgan dropped him on the bed and started unbuttoning
his shirt.
“You forgot something….” Reid panted. Morgan kept taking turns between
buttons and kissing him senseless.
“My shoes.”
Morgan reached down to pulled Reid’s shoes off and went back to
pulling his pants off.
“You just dropped them on the floor…”
“They’re muddy.”
“I don’t care!”
“Clooney will come in, walk on those spots and we’ll have muddy
paw prints all over the house-”
“Babe, I’ll clean it twice when we’re done! Can we get to the point?”
Reid pretended to think about it, but Morgan’s hands on his waist
were too much for his poker face. He started laughing.
“Okay, but you’ll mop the whole house while you’re at it.”
“You were aiming for that all the time, weren’t you?”
“I’m a genius.”
“You’re an evil genius.” Morgan chuckled and pulled him close for another kiss.