I am not sure what's up, but I have been in a funk all day. Nothing feels right. I have not been connecting very well with people today. Negative thoughts are the first thing popping up in my mind. I need to go bang this with some techno....
So I have made a vow not to post on lj drunk anymore. When I am drunk I don't hit on girls, cause I know I am a idiot. This should carry over to here also.
well it has been a crazy weekend here at the ranch. A close friend got in a accident. I got the drunken dial, with someone hit my car. Let me tell you, standing in the cold to see if your lover is all right, is not cool, but it is life. Wow, who thought I would be here right now.
So I started school yesterday, it seems like it's going to be loads of fun. Things are starting to come together, I worked out some of the drama I had with one of my co-workers
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I got 4 drunkin dials tonight! 4, that's a whole lot of drunk dials. Offtrack is going to have a huge hang over. Everyone make sure you call him early in the morning, for the hang over dial!
finstah's LJ stalker is ash808!ash808 is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also mentally deranged!