Not bad for his first time.

Nov 15, 2008 15:11

Well, the skate competition's over.

N placed 3rd in his age group, and ended up with an 18th place before overall scoring. (There were thirty contestants in the competition overall, btw.)

So 18 out of 30 isn't so bad, considering that his board broke halfway through the jam, when he was doing a 50/50 tailslide down the seven-stair rail. As N said himself, the board (an Element) split in the stupidest place - the tail - but he still landed the trick.

Of course, he was penalized for being unable to continue in the last two minutes, but said that he was on a good run, and probably would've scored much higher if not for the break.

He also landed not just one, but three tre-flips - and he was the only one in the competition to do so.

His best tre-flip occured after he came off the pyramid/hip transfer, but to hear him tell it, he thinks that he's pivoting too much when he comes out of each trick, and that's what's weakening the board and eventually snapping the tail upon impact when he lands further on down the line. (Because he admits that he's been snapping tail a lot in his practice runs.)

Anyway, he got those first competition butterflies out of the way, and he seems confident now that, in his next competition, he will place in the top ten.

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